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Six Feats for Maximizing Scrolls and Potions

In “Magical Trinkets,” I explored how to use the Pathfinder magic item creation rules to create non-consumable rewards suitable for low-level characters, but what about consumable items? Magic potions and scrolls are staples of gaming and fantasy lore. And for all the tricks to reduce the value of a permanent magic item, a potion or

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Faiths of the Land

Outside of the world’s major religions, or sometimes as a small subsection within them, you will occasionally find clerics with a unique connection to the land. Much like druids or rangers, these divine casters will sometimes gain inspiration, power, or assistance from the land itself rather than from a particular god, and in some cases

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Transmutation: More New Spells (Part 5)

In this final installment of the transmutation series, David provides you with several new spells. Beholder’s Gaze     Wizard Attack 27 You suddenly sprout several eye stalks like a beholder and unleash an attack against your foes. Encounter * Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation; Varies Standard Action     Ranged 20 Target: One, two, or three creatures Attack: Intelligence

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Magical Trinkets

Compared to high-level characters, low-level ones are poor, and the rewards for their efforts meager. Slaying that ogre might have been a great challenge for an intrepid group of 2nd-level adventurers, but its treasure hoard isn’t anything to write home about—coins, an acid flask, some semi-precious gems, and another scroll of cure light wounds. The

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Obscure Professionals

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) “Master!” “Again, slimesides, what now?” “There is a woman at the door.” “A woman? But it’s not Thursday.” “No, no,

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Hoard Mongering

“Congratulations! You slay the dragon.” “Sweet, we loot its lair!” “Unfortunately, you’re nowhere near its lair. Looks like you’ll have to settle for the XP.” “Forget that! Our cleric casts find the path. We will not be denied triple treasure!” “Oh dear…” Player characters can be a greedy bunch. What is a GM to do

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