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Trapsmith: Seasonal Solutions

Trapsmith: Seasonal Solutions

“Don’t.” Turmish looked at him quizzically. “It’s only a decorated tree, Gavin. Besides I am hungry and that goose looks tasty.”

“Again. Don’t. You know how druids get all excited during the season, so don’t. I am not going to save you. That,“ Gavin pointed at the large fir tree decorated with tinsel and baubles, “is a trap. I can feel it in my bones.”

Druids are scary. Their dealings with the fickle fey and their strange seasonal rituals can cause a certain “wrongness” when and wherever they decide to build a trap. The decorated tree with goose guardian is a perennial druidic favorite. Any who near it must deal with its various ornamental and enchanting abilities.

Tinsel Tie Trap     CR 3
Type magical; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 26
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic
Effect tinsel touch (+10 melee, 2d6 slashing damage plus tinsel tie)
Effect tinsel tie (gain the grappled condition; tinsel tie has a CMD of 20)

The tinsel is unnaturally strong. It has hardness 10 and 10 hp.

Ballistic Baubles Trap     CR 3
Type magical; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 26
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic
Effect ballistic baubles (+5 ranged touch, treat as a ray of frost spell plus boreal bind)
Effect boreal bind (succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or 1d3 Dex damage)

Fey Fir     CR 10
Type magical; Perception DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic
Effect fey fir (treat as the sympathy spell, DC 23 Will save negates); multiple targets (all humans within 100 ft.)

Next Installment

What can Gavin do with a fishing rod, rusty spiked greaves, a swashbuckler’s hat and a hammock?

The Challenge

Name four adventuring items and receive a murderous trap in return.

(This post is Product Identity.)

3 thoughts on “Trapsmith: Seasonal Solutions”

  1. This is great. I’m only recently (and very happily) catching up with this wonderful column.

    Meanwhile, 4 items randomly selected from Richard Pett’s ‘100 Pointless Objects’:

    Puppet bugbear
    Bucket of fake theatrical snow made of cotton
    Collection of 12 decreasingly sized wagon wheels in a pile
    Fisherman’s net with a gigantic hole in it

  2. Whahoo Maurice you’re doing mine next! Seriously this series is awesome-sauce glad to see you back at it. Your superstar run was pretty good too!

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