Call us enthusiastic. We’re excited! Excited about a brand new book for monsters to bedevil 5E players.
We just had to let you know about what’s coming forTome of Beasts 3.
In these trying times of supply chain uncertainty, on-sale dates can be a wily monster of their own.
Here’s what we know for sure.
- Street date for your local game store is December 14. just in time to put under the tree for the 5E enthusiast in your life!
- Need it sooner? PDF release through the Kobold store is next week! And you can preorder today!
- Kobold Press print preorders ship around Dec 1.
- If you backed this on Kickstarter, print copies for the US all should ship by Nov 30.
- VTT versions will be available by platform. Check with your VTT of choice for dates!
If you’ve read anything else, I wouldn’t trust it.
Especially on Twitter. (Just between you and me, Elon might be trying to get his copy early.)
What about backers outside the USA?
Foundry is listing nothing for this….As a backer that being my core pledge, could you guys tells us status for the foundry release
The best place for consolidated info is to check the Kickstarter backer updates!
It’s on preorder for me.
Saw Ginny Di’s tomb adventure video KP sponsored, she used 3 critters from ToB3 for it. The Bakery Drake 🙂❤️
hopefulyl amazon.co.uk gets it earlier than the date they’re claiming as i doubt many folks will buy it if they dont get it until dec 27th