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Kobold Press and Shard Tabletop: An Epic Alliance!

Kobold Press and Shard Tabletop: An Epic Alliance!

A long-buried secret, unearthed at last… Kobold Press is delighted to announce a partnership with Shard Tabletop, a new virtual gaming platform, and we’re bringing all the best content the scaly critters have to offer! Swarms of incredible creatures, libraries of thrilling adventures, hoards of priceless treasures—everything you expect from Kobold Press at your fingertips and ready to make game night a success. The Shard Tabletop platform opens the world of virtual gaming to old and new adventurers alike, and we could not be more excited to be along for the ride!

You can enjoy our best 5E content because we’re bringing a treasure trove of new races, class options, backgrounds, and feats to Shard’s Core Content Pack, which will be included in all Shard subscriptions. Try out new subraces, including the Dunewalker Elf, Wyrd Gnome, and Urban Halfling, or revisit all-time favorites like the Dhampir, Minotaur, and Shade. Discover brand new barbarian and monk subclasses. In fact, expect to see exciting options for every base class!

But that’s just the beginning. Kobold Press will deliver additional 5th Edition options and adventures throughout the year, including a Shard Tabletop option in upcoming Kickstarters. 

Sharpen your weapons and ready your spells. It’s time to conquer new worlds, defeat ancient enemies, and uncover priceless treasures. The kobolds are coming!

This press release contains forward-looking statements. Kobold Press is committed to delivering content for the Core Shard Player Subscription. Efforts to bring other materials are underway as part of the Shard Tabletop – A 5E Virtual Tabletop and Character Sheet Kickstarter launching on or near January 26, 2021. 


Kobold Press launched in 2006 to bring exciting worlds, monsters, player options, and magic to traditional table-top roleplaying games and virtual table-top platforms. Our focus is designing for today’s most popular table-top game systems. 

In 2014, Wizards of the Coast entrusted us with their inaugural adventure campaign for Fifth Edition. We’ve produced three official hardcover volumes for Wizards and remain a trusted partner.

We pride ourselves on supporting new and veteran designers, artists, writers, editors, and layout specialists. By creating outstanding adventures and sourcebooks for our customers, we have won dozens of awards and commendations. To learn more about Kobold Press and our products, visit www.koboldpress.com or ask about us at your local game store. 


Shard Tabletop provides a full virtual tabletop and character sheet dedicated to 5th edition role-playing games licensed under the Open Gaming License. Shard differentiates itself based on ease of use, seamless multi-device access, and high quality content. Shard is in open beta now and will launch commercially via Kickstarter on January 26th, 2021. Subscription versions of the service and a full content store are expected to be operational in March 2021. Beta versions of the service are free and there will continue to be a free version of the service even after the commercial launch.  

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