Collection Of Curiosities

Collection of Curiosities: On the Cultists’ Altar

After the adventurers deal with the cultists, or when they stumble upon a more benign sacred area, it’s time to explore the area. You can roll randomly for a result below, use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works […]

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Collection of Curiosities: That Strange Jar on the Shelf

In need of a few details for that apothecary shoppe? Or maybe the scary necromancer’s lab? Perhaps one or more of the twelve suggestions below will suit your campaign. You can roll randomly for a result below, use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can

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Collection of Curiosities: Inside the Tree’s Hollow

People and creatures use the hollows inside trees for a variety of things. Below are some possibilities for your game. You can roll randomly for a result below, use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works for the area

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Collection of Curiosities: The Herald’s Pouch

Those who make announcements or pass along news might have some interesting things in their pouches. If these heralds are momentarily inattentive or, well, dead, their pouches might reveal these little secrets. You can roll randomly for a result below, use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a

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Collection of Curiosities: The Highest Point in the City

Seeking the higher ground to learn more about your surroundings is something adventurers do from time to time. Of course, they might not be the first people to attempt to reach that perch. You can roll randomly for a result below, use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on

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Collection of Curiosities: An Abrupt End to Festivity Preparations

Festivals require a certain amount of preparation, but what happens if that preparation ends? More importantly, what caused it to end, and can the adventurers help start the preparations again? If you want to roll randomly for one, use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You

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Collection of Curiosities: Inside That Gelatinous Cube

Your stalwart adventurers might have faced down a gelatinous cube or two in their heroic lifetimes. If not, or if you want to throw another one at them, here are some interesting things to place inside that classic monster. If you want to roll randomly for one, use the handy number provided with each entry

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Collection of Curiosities: The Dinghy

Sometimes the adventurers need a quick getaway from uncertain situations. Sometimes that getaway involves a dinghy, canoe, or other small vessel that can cross water. You can use any of these details as starting points to flesh out some other interesting things if the player characters choose to look around a bit more. If you

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Collection of Curiosities: The Healer’s Satchel

That person wandering around giving first aid on the field of combat needs a way to carry around supplies if he or she isn’t able to provide healing of the more magical kind. And if the battle isn’t quite over yet? That very healer might end up becoming a casualty—and the satchel might be left

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Collection of Curiosities: The Minstrel’s Lute

Sometimes minstrels are up to no good. Or maybe they’re up to every good — who can tell? Perhaps, by checking out the minstrel’s lute, you might find something interesting about this particular entertainer. You can use any of these details as starting points to flesh out some other interesting things if the player characters

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