Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Welcome to Midgard: Fey Roads of Dornig

Much of the countryside of Dornig is forbidding for the traveler. Two ancient forests dominate the land— the Arbonesse and the Tomierran—but the rest of the countryside consists of smaller but no-less-deep forests of younger vintage, high moors, and deep, tree-covered valleys. Merchant caravans lurch along ancient roads that were first laid by dwarves working

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Out of the Frying Pan: A Trip to the Coast

Trouble rises in the jungle as territorial hostilities between the kryt and cueyatl disrupt the operations of the local zinjs (or farming communities) along the Spice Coast. Conflict in this guerrilla war continues to flare as the conflict zones shift eastward toward the coast. Low on men, money, and morale, some local beys (or leaders)

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