Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

One-on-One Roleplaying: Adapting Published Campaigns

Adaptation Principles As we said earlier in this series, one of the best things about one-on-one play is the focus on the player and the PC. They’re the main character around whom the entire storyline revolves. This is a double-edged sword when it comes to adapting a published campaign though. Both the narrative arc and […]

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The Ratatosk: Magical Items and Equipment of the Squirrel-Folk

Chaos Acorn Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) This acorn was harvested from a branch of the World Tree growing in a chaotic area of the void. A sheen of ever-changing colors decorates its smooth surface. You can use an action to eat the acorn. Doing so triggers a chaos magic surge. Roll percentile dice

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Harbingers of the Yawning Void: Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks

LEVELS 1–3 Outbreaks of seemingly senseless and motiveless violence are causing unrest in the city. Young people are coming home bruised and bloody, refusing to tell their parents how they received their injuries. Overseers puzzle over laborers arriving late to work with black eyes and limping gaits. Soon after, a series of seemingly random attacks

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One-on-One Roleplaying: Turning the Tables

Our last post extolled the many benefits of playing with one player and one GM (also known as a “duet”) that make this option hyper-attractive and contribute to the growing numbers of dungeon-delvers. Some of these boons include the ease of finding time to play, the freedom to pursue your gameplay preferences, and the great

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Dungeon Tables: Travel Challenges and Complications, Part 2

Desert/Waste d10 Challenge/Encounter 1 A curious fennec fox (see Tome of Beasts 2) that, if fed or otherwise treated kindly, leads the party to a small, buried cache of treasure concealing 50 gp and a gold-and-emerald ring. If the fox is attacked, 2d6 additional fennec foxes arrive and attack the party. 2 Quicksand: The ground

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Harbingers of the Yawning Void: Followers and Minions

For rank-and-file members of the cult, you can use the void cultist, and the void speaker makes an excellent cult leader (both found in the Creature Codex). The satarre destroyer and satarre mystic from Tome of Beasts 2 can function as more powerful members of the cult. The following NPCs can also be used as

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