Straight from the Editorial Director’s snout, the Kobold Dispatch provides a sneak peek at upcoming publications and projects headed out of the warrens onto gaming tables everywhere . . . so you’ll know what to watch out for!
Greetings, Kobold Press fans! It’s been a while since I’ve written a Dispatch, and it’s not a moment too soon. We’ve been busy as heck here in the warrens, and there are a lot of new faces, and many new projects, as the company has grown. You may have noticed more products on the schedule, a larger presence at conventions, an increase in goodies in the VTT market, and much more. It’s all part of our ongoing efforts to put the best gaming material possible into your hands.
Let’s dive in and see what’s cooking, shall we?
Even as we speak, fans of the Kobolds are receiving their copies of Tome of Heroes, our big book of player options for any campaign setting. It’s got subraces and subclasses by the dozens, some cool new gear, lots of interesting new downtime activities, and much more. There’s even a deluxe form-fillable character sheet. Not to toot our own kazoos, but we’re really proud of this one, and the reviews thus far have been very positive.
Right on the heels of Tome of Heroes comes Book of Ebon Tides and its companion adventure anthology, Tales from the Shadows. This complete campaign expansion details our very own take on the Plane of Shadow, with lots of fey courts and their intrigues, new player options as well as new monsters, and a set of adventures that can be played independently or as part of a loose mini-campaign. Plus, there’s a really cool set of dice and a deluxe character sheet to go with it. If you haven’t seen this one yet, check it out, because it’s gorgeous—and filled with plenty of mood and flavor!
A little further out, we are still hard at work on other great books, including Tome of Beasts 3, the next in our lineup of award-winning monster cyclopedias, and Campaign Builder: Cities & Towns, a toolkit for creating and breathing life into urban centers in any setting. Whether you are just looking to add a few touches of flavor to an existing community, or you want to develop a place from the ground up, Cities & Towns has all the details, sample NPCs, urban critters, and random tables you need to do the job right. Both projects had extremely successful Kickstarters, so we are pouring our hearts and souls into making them the best they can be.
Speaking of Kickstarter, you might have seen a teaser or two for another Big New Shiny on the horizon, Wastes of Chaos. There’s not a whole lot to reveal yet but keep watching our spaces—there are more tidbits to come, and we promise the reveals will be wild and wooly! This is one of my personal favorite new projects, so it’s got my scales all a-wriggle, just thinking about it.
To find out even more about all the hoppin’ happenings in the warrens, be sure to tune into our Twitch Channel, where our Twitch producer, Little Red Dot, brings you the latest news and features on Kobold Chats (Wednesdays at Noon PT), as well as ongoing Actual Plays—like The Great Oozescape (Mondays 2–5 pm PT), Empire of the Ghouls (Tuesdays 3–6 pm PT), and The Rotting Heart (Sundays 8–11 pm PT)—all featuring Kobold Press products.
And for our Patreon supporters, we continue to bring you the niftiest articles and adventures for the Midgard campaign setting in our two Warlock product lines. The most recent of these to hit the store includes Warlock 32: Elves, which reveals lots of great new info on the pointy-eared folk of Midgard—like lost courts, new magic items, and new spells—and Warlock Lair 70: The Voidspeaker’s Apprentice, which takes adventurers into the Wasted West to confront a servant of the Void who’s stirring up trouble.
Last but certainly not least, we have packaged together several of our more popular blog series into useful PDFs, complete with art and diagrams. Such titles as Play with Class, Art of Skirmishing, Trapmaster, and others are ready for you to put to good use in your campaigns.
So that about sums it up. A summer full of scrumptious goodies, brought to you by sizzling scaly ones (do cold-blooded Kobolds know if they’re overheating?). I’ll drop in again this fall to reveal more exciting news about what we have planned.
’Til next time!