Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Kobolds Visit GenCon

Kobold Quarterly is taking a short break from the magazine mines to visit the glories of Indianapolis, Indiana, home to the Gen Con show. If you are doing the same, please do make a short pilgrimage to booth 2515 to say hello or visit with us at the KQ Freelancing seminar on Friday. Postings will […]

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Some Little Plans

There’s so much going on with KQ behind the scenes right now it’s hard to know where to start. Let’s start with this. I’m currently on the hunt for a full-page comic to appear in the magazine. The Goblins strip, for instance, might be something in the right direction. What do you think of Goblins,

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Monte and Me

For many years, I’ve had a strange relationship with that notorious nice guy, Mr. Monte Cook. We’ve collaborated on projects like the Dark*Matter campaign setting and the Beyond Countless Doors Planescape retrospective. And Malhavoc Press. This year, though, all that friendly feeling has to go out the window, More…

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Free Adventures

Everyone loves free stuff, which is why we love Free RPG Day. While KQ is (alas), not giving away a freebie this year, many other find companies are, including WotC, White Wolf, Paizo, Green Ronin, and Margaret Weis Productions. The creator of Kobold Quarterly comics Bolt & Quiver and 10 by 10 Toon, the mighty

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New Math

Kobold Quarterly, or KQ if you like, is one year old. Thank you to all of you—readers, designers, artists, and everyone who has contributed—for making it happen. It’s a sad fact that most new magazines don’t survive, and KQ has at least as many foes as your typical kobold. Like our wily mascot, though, we’re

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