Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Monday Monster: Deathshade Wisp
from Courts of the Shadow Fey

Every kingdom has its royal guards: stoic souls with vigilant eyes, strength of arm, and unmatched loyalty. The Courts of the Shadow Fey are no different. That final quality — loyalty — has forced the black-hearted nobles of the court to seek guardians from unorthodox sources. Knowing no living shadow fey could be trusted to

Monday Monster: Deathshade Wisp
from Courts of the Shadow Fey
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Open Design Podcast 4:
Greenwood, Kenson, Styrsky

I can’t believe it’s been a month, but GenCon always plays havoc with a sense of time. The latest and greatest Open Design Podcast is now available for your listening pleasure. In addition to regulars Skip Williams and Monte Cook, yours truly and co-hosts Ed Healy and Rone Barton discuss the recent crop of ENnie

Open Design Podcast 4:
Greenwood, Kenson, Styrsky
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