Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Fatal Future Trap

(Illustration by Chris McFann) “He would not fail.” With a last glance toward the gathered clan, Bronn strode into the cave that held his last test, the test that would make him a warrior. “He would not fail.” The thought distracted him enough that the apparition startled him as it came into being. Scolding himself, Bronn […]

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Boarticulture: Brutes of the Swine (Part 2 of 3)

(Illustration by Chris McFann) Most adventurers know the sound of a wild boar rustling through the underbrush. But when the boar turn out to be the underbrush, very few are prepared for the surprise. [previously] __ The typical “adult” form of these creatures, the porky pine bears a resemblance to a small coniferous tree. Wide needle-like

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Odin, Ruler of Asgard

(Illustration by Chris McFann) Refill your flagons! Jarrod Camiré continues to bring you new material to use with Northlands: Roleplaying in Winter’s Chill. The fourth of four parts, this week we learn a little more about Odin. [previously] __ Odin is one of the most important gods of Norse mythology and the supreme ruler of Asgard.

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Brine Terror

(Illustration by Chris McFann) The brackish water bubbled violently, and the creature emerged with a wave of fishy stench. Its massive scaly body was studded with hundreds of staring eyes, each fixed on me. Its tentacles whipped forward as I turned to run. Brine terrors are bloated, pustulant masses of oceanic detritus composed of rotting fish,

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Your Whispering Homunculus: The Admirable and Seldom Encountered Art of Dwarven Infused Ale

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] (Illustration by Chris McFann) __ “Gah!” “Master?” “Another failure. My attempts to recreate the ancient recipes and techniques of dwarven

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Review Roundup for Advanced Feats: The Inquisitor’s Edge

Sigfried Trent recently wrapped up his hugely popular Advanced Feats series with Advanced Feats: The Inquisitor’s Edge. Perhaps a little too caught up in the general excitement, several kobolds put on black cloaks and wide-brimmed hats and confronted game bloggers with the book, demanding that they confess their true thoughts about it. Here’s what the

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Historical Steel: Dialing in the Range

Beyond the overlooked polearms and famous straight, thrusting, and curved swords lies a major category of weapons that just as importantly deserves some mention—ranged projectile weapons. From the nameless men-at-arms shooting crossbows from castle crenellations to green-suited, do-gooding outlaws with their longbows to the swashbuckling musketeer, each has their unique place in the annals of

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