Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 12)

(Also Titled: The Ongoing Diary of Thppgrg, Goblin Minion) As ever, readers who are new to the diary, please scroll down a bit to where you see the Thppgrg tag. Click on it. Yeah, that’s right. Otherwise, if you missed part eleven, you can just click here. (Art by Chris McFann.) DAY THIRTY-EIGHT Guh. More toilet

Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 12) Read More »

Archery Styles (Part 4)

A character who favors ranged attacks has many ways to master the bow, and the schools presented in this article series give you some interesting options to round out your player character. This week, we present another school of archery styles by Rich Redman. The first, second, and third parts are available, too. Order of the Warbow

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Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 11)

(Also Titled: The Ongoing Diary of Thppgrg, Goblin Minion) As ever, readers who are new to the diary, please scroll down a bit to where you see the Thppgrg tag. Click on it. Yeah, that’s right. Otherwise, if you missed part ten, you can just click here. (Art by Chris McFann.) DAY THIRTY-SEVEN Tuesdays. Worst day

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Norwescon 35 Schedule

Are you going to Norwescon this weekend? Wolfgang Baur is, and he’s speaking on several panels. Here’s where you can find the Kobold King: Friday 6 pm Evergreen 3&4 Have Licenses Taken Over the Creativity in Gaming? RPG companies used to spawn settings like Dragonlance and the Forgotten Realms, but now they just license Dresden Files

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Howling Tower: The Case for Random Encounters

Once upon a time, random encounters were standard fare in roleplaying games. Somewhere along the way, they fell out of fashion. Players, DMs, and game designers decided that random encounters embodied the worst of lazy DMing. They were indiscriminate party killers. Most of all, they were dumped because they were irrelevant to the ongoing story.

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Your Whispering Homunculus, Now In The Kobold Store

Curse that Whispering Homunculus! Yesterday he took over Kobold World Headquarters and wreaked all sorts of havoc online. We finally got control back, only to find out today that while the Homunculus was in charge, he used the Kobold presses to publish his own book. Yes, you can now buy Your Whispering Homunculus in the

Your Whispering Homunculus, Now In The Kobold Store Read More »

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