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Endzeitgeist Reviews Open Design’s New Planar Releases

We just saw a couple of great reviews from Endzeitgeist over at, and wanted to wave them at you! First, he calls Dark Roads & Golden Hells “One of the best planar sourcebooks ever made”. As if that weren’t enough, he also deems Shadow Planes & Pocket Worlds: A Dark Roads and Golden Hells Supplement “a stellar supplement at an […]

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Real Steel Moon Hammer Auction To Help Christina Stiles Get to Gen Con

Put in your bid today! Bladesmith Todd Gdula’s brick-smashing moon hammer video is one of the high points of his Real Steel series here at Now that brick-smashing power can be yours — and you’ll be giving to a worthy cause. Todd has generously donated one of his moon hammers for auction at eBay,

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Getting a Grip: Pinning Down Pathfinder’s Grappling Rules

We’ve all been there. Your party is advancing on the huge, slavering beast that’s roaring and coming right at you. Your paladin is calling on his god of the sword, your wizard is summoning eldritch powers, and your barbarian is readying to charge with a hideous grin on her face. And then, due to a

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Trapsmith: Impromptu Surprises (Part 3)

Maybe cheating these guys wasn’t the best idea he’d ever had—they were pretty determined to get him, but after touching the gold and silver coins in his pocket, Gavin felt better. The coins would get him— Rounding the corner Gavin’s thoughts fell silent for a moment, because he’d reached a dead end! Bad. Very bad.

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Midgard Campaign Setting Pre-Order Now Available

The gods of the North tremble! The Great Old Ones stir in their sleep!  All of Midgard looks to the skies in wonder, for the long-awaited Midgard Campaign Setting is now available for pre-order in the Kobold Store . By popular demand you can ensure that you’ll receive the gorgeous, full color 296-page hardcover or softcover (plus

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Monster Monday: Margreve Backpack Gecko

This 12-inch-long green-scaled gecko has backswept horns and ridges down its back. It turns and regards you with startlingly human eyes before bunching powerful muscles and leaping. The malicious fey creatures colloquially referred to as Margreve backpack geckos (a reference to their small stature and tendency to turn up in travelers’ gear) are a tremendous

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From Diablo 3 to D&D: Memorable and Challenging Boss Battles (Part 2 of 2)

Today we’re going to finish talking about boss battles in your tabletop games, including how you can borrow a few ideas from Diablo 3 and other titles as well. Arenas, Temptations, and Movement: Providing a Memorable and Challenging Environment Another idea to borrow from Diablo 3 when it comes to boss battles is to crank

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Midgard Is Coming

Deep within an ancient forest, a trembling young woman enters the clearing where a ramshackle hut crouches on birds’ legs. Far below the earth, a caravan of kobold merchants passes through a stone archway carved with the faces of leering ghouls. High atop a northern mountain, a dwarf grips his battle-axe and gazes over the

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The Lost GM Scrolls: Mike Mearls on Stepping Up and Taking a Poke at the World

Back in the fall of 2009, Chris Dinkins and I interviewed a host of game designers and novelists who were also experienced game masters. We sent around too many questions to too many GMs and received far too much material for one article to hold. As a result, a lot of great material got scrapped.

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Monsters of Sin: Gluttony Now Available

Monsters of Sin epitomize the very worst of our natures—and they prey on others’ weaknesses. This third book in the Monsters of Sin series for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is devoted to Gluttony, the irresistable desire for pleasures of all sorts, so there’s bound to be one to tempt any character. It includes: The Bottomless

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