Beatific Drake

Beatific Drake

Chris McFann, Beatific Drake(Illustration by Chris McFann)

It’s raining drakes! Find a whole slew of these fierce mini-dragons in the Book of Drakes. Masters Daigle and Welham can show you the way…


This miniature dragon, radiating near-blinding illumination, flies effortlessly toward a group of shambling zombies. The creature bursts into an improbably brighter ball of light, and moments later, nothing remains of the undead but piles of ash.

Typically found in temples devoted to healing and the sun, a beatific drake enjoys ministering to worthies who have been injured in righteous battle. Likewise, they seek out their own foes—undead—with a single-minded intent to destroy those mockeries of life.

Beatific Drake (CR 5)

XP 1,200
LG Small dragon (esoteric)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11
Aura death ward …

18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 57 (6d12+18)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +8
Immune dragon traits, magic paralysis, and sleep; SR 15

20 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d4), bite +6 (1d6)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 17, 3d6), sunburst (DC 20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th)
Constant—daylight (centered on drake), detect undead

10, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 21
Feats Improved Channel
Skills Diplomacy +11, Fly +16, Heal +20, Knowledge (religion) +9, Perception +12, Sense Motive +12, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +8 Heal
Languages Common, Draconic

Organization solitary, pair, sunburst (3–6)
Treasure standard

Channel Positive Energy (Su)
The drake’s channel ability acts as if the creature had the sun’s blessing granted power from the Sun domain. When it chooses to harm undead creatures, it adds 6 damage, and undead do not add channel resistance to saves.

Death Ward (Su) A beatific drake continually gives all creatures within 20 ft. the benefits of death ward. If its aura is suppressed, it can recreate it as a swift action.

Sunburst (Su) A beatific drake can invoke a sunburst effect that only damages undead creatures, inflicting 12d6 damage. This ability also cancels any darkness spell of 8th level or lower. Unfortunately, doing this instantly slays the drake.

Typical Characteristics

A beatific drake looks like a dragon sculpted from light. It measures 3 ft. from nose to tail tip and weighs less than 10 lb., giving credence to the theory the creature is indeed sunlight given form. The drake constantly sheds light seemingly as bright as the sun’s, making it difficult to do more than glance at the creature.

This drake seeks out clerics, paladins, and other good-aligned creatures who intend to wipe out an undead menace. It may accompany such a companion so long as it remains assured of the creature’s goal. The drake tolerates no mercy for undead abominations and considers anyone who keeps it from its appointed task an enemy. A character can attempt to convince the drake to stay its duty, but it requires a Diplomacy check (DC 30). (Any Intimidation attempt immediately incurs the drake’s enmity.)

Only by paying the ultimate price in pursuing its quest can a beatific drake reproduce. When the creature uses its sunburst ability it destroys itself, but an egg remains from which a newborn drake emerges, phoenix-like, 1 month later.

(This post is Product Identity.)

13 thoughts on “Beatific Drake”

  1. The Beatific Drake is beautiful… who’da thunk it? Another great drake and great illo!! This was an absolutely wonderful project! I’m getting ready to work an Ink Drake into my game at home in the next couple of sessions.

  2. There’s gotta be a “Tell Us About Your Drake Adventure” contest we can do. Because they do seem to inspire adventure hooks right and left…

    Nice work on this, Mike!

  3. What is the “esoteric” classification? I know what the word means of course, but is this a new creature type?

  4. @DMCal: Drakes are classified as esoteric, geographic, and material. Esoteric drakes represent ideas, geographic drakes reflect their environment, and material drakes are a representation of their physical being.

  5. Great Drakes Almighty! Now I have a companion drake for my polygamous slave owning paladin of Aten! hehehe….

  6. Getting very tempted by this book even though I don’t play Pathfinder after reading this drake and the alehouse one on drivrthrurpg. How much fluff is there vs crunch?

  7. One issue that I have is that, biologically this is a non viable species. If the drake can die through means other than the sunburst, it means that every generation will lose population that cannot be restored.

    I saw the issue with the arachnidrake but that one did not say that being cocooned was the *only* way to reproduce.

  8. Thanks for pointing this out, ShadoCat!

    I think it’s fair to assume that the sunburst leaves multiple eggs (say 2-4) behind.

    My apologies for the lapse there.

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