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Collection of Curiosities: More Than Mere Stained Glass Windows

Collection of Curiosities: More Than Mere Stained Glass Windows

Stained glass windows come in a variety of forms and can feature amazingly gorgeous and evocative art. But not all of them are as they appear! Each of these windows have an added bit of artistic merit or can be of some use in helping characters figure out something. You can roll randomly for a result below, or use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works for the area in which your characters currently linger.

d12. Curiosity

  1. The fox that is being hunted by humans on horses leaps out of the window when you stand within 10 ft. of it, then dashes off, fading into nothingness after another 10 ft.
  2. The nereid depicted in this window winks at you, then points at something beyond your head.
  3. The vibrantly hued fortune-teller has cards in front of her on the table. As you watch, the cards change to something else. Did you just get your fortune told?
  4. The constellations in this series of windows fade with the sunrise and are replaced by the sun, clouds, blue sky, storms—but none match the sky outside!
  5. Each night, the bird of prey in this stained glass window drops its dead prey on the table in the middle of this dining hall.
  6. The djinn in this window is summoned by touching it.
  7. Cavorting demons are dancing around hapless humans in this window scene. You feel warmth emanating from this window, plus smell a bit of sulfur. Does this window lead somewhere unpleasant?
  8. The serene man sitting cross-legged with one arm up, palm out, stares intensely at you. Any question asked within the presence of this window is answered via telepathy, though are the answers true or false?
  9. The elves dancing in this glade move in a circular pattern. Occasionally one winks at you and gestures invitingly.
  10. Upon calling the name colorfully placed within the window, the griffin depicted above it in the window springs forth and presents itself for riding.
  11. The black unicorn rearing in this window has fiery eyes and smoke drifting out of its nostrils. Blood drips from its horn. A sense of dread pervades the area. On the floor below the window, you see a servant who has seemingly been killed by the unicorn.
  12. The wonders of underwater life are portrayed in this large stained glass window. You see merfolk, sea elves, and all manner of aquatic creatures going about their lives. The edges of the metal frame around the glass are dripping water.

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