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Dirty Jobs: Parent

Parenthood Hervard the Steady was one of the greatest wizards of his time: a capable adventurer and a renowned university lecturer. Intelligence and perseverance made him a great wizard; generosity and patience made him a great teacher. And he had great talent for divination. Legend has it that on his last day of life at

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Dirty Jobs: Brewer

“Do you want the job or not? You got pretty good qualifications, but I won’t lie to you—there’s a lot of guys just as qualified right behind you.” Jerfren had, in fact, lied at least three times already in their short conversation. Merippik had been counting The first lie was that the job paid well.

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or On the Road to Mharoti

Part Two, Qiresh and the Roads of the Mharoti Empire On the coast of the Ruby Sea is the town of Qiresh, which is a bustling centre of trade. You may depend on it that spices and cloths and all manner of valuable things from the interior are carried to this town. Qiresh possesses a sheltered harbor

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Deep Magic: Clockwork is Now Available

I got my goggles. And my hat. And my boom-clanking automaton. And… I got my Deep Magic: Clockwork, the just released magical tome that whirs and sparks when you dive inside. It’s now available in the Kobold store. When the Great Machine talks, great machinists need to listen. This book reveals new options for clerics, wizards, and warlocks in 5th

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Available Now: Player’s Guide to the Rothenian Plains

Ride Hard and Loot Everything! In Midgard’s Rothenian Plain, the dangers are everywhere: slavers, demonic warlock, raiding centaur bands, bandits and more . But on the open grasslands, it is easy to make a life of banditry and adventure as well, for a fresh start is just over the horizon. The centaur shamans, human horsemen,

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