Review Round-Up Time!

Review Round-Up Time!

Kobold Press has been busy putting out a bunch of fun things for you to play with, and many reviewers are giving us terrific reviews! Take a peek below at our offerings and some choice quotes from reviewers. Also, thanks go out to all the reviewers out there!

Let’s start with a look at an adventure, then dive into some Southlands reviews.

The Raven’s Call

“…a wonderfully detailed story, that is a bit more sandbox than many RPG modules.”

Read the whole review at the Geek-o-Rama.

Download The Raven’s Call today from Drive Thru RPG or Paizo!

Southlands Campaign Setting

” It’s a vibrant enough book that I know I’m going to be doing a campaign in this setting in the future – it’s not even a question.”

Read the complete review at

Southlands Campaign Setting Map

“This map is absolutely beautiful! Anna Meyer continues to amaze me with her cartographic creations.”

Read the complete review at DriveThru RPG.

Get the Southlands Campaign Setting today at the Kobold Store, Paizo, or DriveThruRPG — and pick up the glorious Southlands Map!

Southlands Bestiary

“Beautifully presented and well-considered, if you are using the Southlands Campaign Setting or have another area occupying the ecological niche of Africa in your world, these creatures will help to bring it to life.”

Read the complete review at DriveThru RPG.

Find the Southlands Bestiary at the Kobold Store, DriveThru RPG, and the Paizo Store!

Southlands Heroes

“Well presented with evocative illustrations and a skilful mix of game mechanic and inspiring narrative, it’s easy to imagine playing any of the options in this book – the difficulty is deciding which one to try out first!”

Get the new fifth edition compatible Southlands Heroes at the Kobold Store, Amazon, or DriveThruRPG today.

If you have already picked up copies of the items above, or intend to do so, we’d love to see your review here, there, or elsewhere!

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