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Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation, the Feats (Part 4)

Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation, the Feats (Part 4)

353px-BoschDeathOfTheReprobateIf there is one thing you can say for certain about aberrations, they are all different. They are defined by their strange, twisting natures. Nowhere else can you find such diversity—even between related individuals. The perversity of their form and function knows no bounds.

Aberrant, Perverted [General]

This sickening monstrosity is an affront to the world around it, its form broken and mutilated by laws beyond mortal comprehension.

Prerequisite: Aberrant Twisted, Unnatural

Benefits: Anyone who sees this horror and who is within 60 ft. must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD + creature’s Charisma modifier) or be affected as though by confusion (CL 7th). A successful saving throw negates further effect.

Aberrant, Preternatural [General]

This creature is so appalling to look upon; even the merest glimpse can cause madness.

Prerequisite: Aberrant Perverted, Aberrant Twisted, Unnatural

Benefits: Anyone who sees this abomination and who is within 60 ft. must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD + creature’s Charisma modifier) or be affected as though by insanity (CL 13th). A successful saving throw negates further effect.

Aberrant, Twisted [General]

This aberration is so degenerate that merely glimpsing the creature is enough to cause revulsion.

Prerequisite: Unnatural

Benefits: Anyone who sees the creature and who is within 60 ft. must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD + creature’s Charisma modifier) or be affected as though by fear (CL 7th). A successful saving throw negates further effect.

All-Seeing Eye [General]

This aberration has mastered the impossible angles of alien dimensions.

Prerequisite: Unsleeping Eye

Benefits: If the creature is aware that it is being scryed, it is able to use this feat to instantly transport itself to the scryer’s location. This move-equivalent action does not provoke an attack of opportunity and can take place instantaneously across different planes of existence and over any physical distance.

Nature Affronted [General]

This is a creature of madness, and its very life is an insult to the natural order of things.

Prerequisite: Twisted One, Unnatural

Benefits: Whenever the creature makes a successful physical attack, the victim must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD + creature’s Charisma modifier) or suffer 1d3 Wisdom drain as the touch and presence of this horror draws them from sanity. Being reduced to 0 Wisdom in this way, an opponent slips into madness (the equivalent of an insanity spell). Wisdom can be restored before reaching 0 by the use of greater restoration, heal, limited wish, miracle, restoration and wish spells.

Shifting Horror [General]

This creature’s very form seems to shift and bend angles around it.

Prerequisite: aberration

Benefits: Each time the creature is hit by an attack there is an immediate 20% miss chance.

Shifting Horror, Greater [General]

This creature seems to pervert the very world around it, blurring it to weird shapes and impossible angles.

Prerequisite: aberration, Shifting Horror

Benefits: Each time the creature is hit by an attack there is an immediate 50% miss chance.

Thing That Should Not Be [General]

So abominable is the form of this horror that its very presence blights those near it: plants wither and animals cry in alarm at its proximity.

Prerequisite: Nature Affronted, Twisted One, Unnatural

Benefits: Anyone within 30 ft. of the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD + creature’s Charisma modifier) each round or suffer 1d3 points of Wisdom damage. Those touched by the creature must also make this save but the effect of the foul touch is permanent, and can only be restored by a heal or miracle spell.

Twisted One [General]

This creature’s very form is an insult to all that is natural.

Prerequisite: aberration, Unnatural

Benefits: Whenever the creature makes a successful physical attack, the victim must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD + creature’s Charisma modifier) or suffer 1d3 Wisdom damage as the touch and presence of this horror draws them from sanity. Being reduced to 0 Wisdom in this way, opponents slip into madness (the equivalent of an insanity spell).

Unnatural [General]

This aberration is more sickening and twisted than its own kin.

Prerequisite: aberration

Benefits: Anyone who sees the creature and who is within 60 ft. must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s HD + creature’s Charisma modifier) or be affected as though by a lesser confusion spell. A successful saving throw negates further effect.

Unnatural Twin

This aberration has been born with some sickening aspect of another aberration.

Prerequisite: aberration

Benefits: The preternatural form of this conjoined sick twin grants one ability (special or otherwise) from the second aberrant. Only a single ability is granted (for example, an otyugh with an unnatural twin gibbering mouther could gain ground manipulation, engulf, or blood drain). When assigning abilities, be careful when calculating the CR of the new creature.

This feat can be taken multiple times, with one ability for each feat. There is no limit to the amount of times this feat can be taken, nor the number of creatures that the aberrant can be made of.

Unsleeping Eye [General]

This aberration is greatly skilled at seeing through the strangle angles of dimensions.

Prerequisite: aberration

Benefits: When the subject of scrying, the creature is considered to have an Intelligence score of 13 (if it is otherwise lower) in relation to being aware of the scrying attempt. If it successfully realizes it is being scryed, it can fight back. The creature cannot physically touch the scryer but is able to use gaze attacks, spell effects and ranged touch attacks as though it were 30 ft. from him.

Once the scrying ceases the creature is no longer able to attack.

(Open Game License)


So we got a call from the otherside–from HPL hisself–saying that all the morning Pett pieces were wearing thin the fabric of reality, and if we kept it up, we would plunge the world into a terrible, screaming nightmarescape. Let it be publicly known that KQ is not currently willing to plunge the world into a terrible, screaming nightmarescape, so the last two installments of Pett’s madness are midday pieces. If and when we do decide to plunge the world into a terrible, screaming nightmarescape and assuming we have some authority there, how will you curry our favor? Tell us below.

5 thoughts on “Monster Mayhem: Things of Madness and Desolation, the Feats (Part 4)”

  1. Damn that’s a lot of aberrant stuff. Not sure I like the 20% miss chance stuff, but I do like the vengeance of the All-Seeing Eye.

    “Do not scrye on the Outer Darkness!”

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