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Real Steel: Kobold’s Choice—Building the Mace

Real Steel: Kobold’s Choice—Building the Mace

In the recent past, we talked about the options for my next project.

Then I asked for input from the kobolds, who made their choice here, and who also gave generously here and here.

The mace is done—ready to ship to its proud new owner. As promised, I did my best to document the build in the video below. I also did my best to incorporate as many of your suggestions as possible.

Sorry about the blur in the beginning; my autofocus went a little wonky.

During the build I learned that if I’m going to make more of these, I need to build a jig to hold the flanges in place for welding. The heat from the welding made it impossible to keep the flanges lined up evenly—even though I tack welded them before doing the final welds.

The floor is open for questions! Anything from nontechnical through type of welding wire, wire feed speed, and heat settings are fair game.

You can also see the video on the YouTube site.

5 thoughts on “Real Steel: Kobold’s Choice—Building the Mace”

  1. Morgan Boehringer

    Great mace Todd!

    What is the music playing at 4:36 during welding?

    What keeps the rope on the handle in place/keeps it from slipping up or down the handle?

    What was the final weight of the completed mace?

    Did you film it smashing watermelons or pumpkins? If not, I remain unconvinced. ;p

  2. Morgan beat me to it.

    I too want to know about:
    Rope, when I saw the shaft / haft without the rope I thought it was a little thin..
    Can it smash stuff? (heads, melon and other matter)

    The spike on top of the mace didn’t make it?

  3. – The music is definitely Blackmore’s Night. I’m pretty sure that song is Fires at Midnight. I have a Nightwish station set up on Pandora that I play a lot when I work. :)

    – The haft is plenty strong at 5/8″, but yes, too thin for a good grip without a wrap. The rope is tucked under itself and wrapped as tight as I can get it, then I use a thin cyanoacrylate to hold it to itself and lock in the ends.

    – 3.25 pounds

    – There is a short spike at the top. It’s more intended for getting a purchase and pushing than as a stabbing weapon. Perfect for making some space when the zombies press in.

    – I tested the welds on a stump (pretty boring), but I ran out of time to get some smashing in the video. I’ll try to get something done before I send it out the door.

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