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Ley Lines Contest Update

Ley Lines Contest Update

Lost ScrollsThe deadline has passed, and we’ve received quite a few submissions for this fiction contest! Thanks go out to those who submitted an entry and those who spread the word about the contest. The judges now have all the entries, and you’ll hear back from us in April!

In the meantime, keep writing, keep reading, and keep gaming!

5 thoughts on “Ley Lines Contest Update”

  1. It was dozens rather than hundreds. Which is a nice change from some of the game and art contests. Judges are starting their review and we should have a winner in April.

  2. I finally got around to entering one of your contests. I’m not entirely pleased with my entry but decided I needed to enter it anyway.

  3. Mr. Greenwood turned in his selections after reading all the entries. I’m almost done with my own review of the submissions, but still about 6 or 7 stories short of done.

    I’m sure Janna, Scott, and Caroline are closing in on done as well. So, we do expect to announce a winner in April.

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