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Eric Hindley Seizes the Tin Crown

Eric Hindley Seizes the Tin Crown

Seize the Tin CrownAmid a crowd of many excellent contenders, Eric Hindley, author of the Clockwork Stalker entry, has seized the coveted Tin Crown!

Congratulations, Eric, and well done!

If you haven’t had a chance to read all about the clockwork stalker, you can see this creature in all its glory here.

Many thanks go to those who joined Eric in this particular competition. Please stay tuned for more news on upcoming contests, too!

14 thoughts on “Eric Hindley Seizes the Tin Crown”

  1. Your Highness,

    I would like to congratulate you on your recently acquired crown. I think it is imperative that you begin to tour your domain immediately. Logistically a certain alleyway I know of is the ideal starting point for that tour. Please meet me there.

    Yours truly,

    A faithful minion.

  2. Jarrod Camiré

    Your Highness,

    My most sincere congratulations. I know that you received an invitation for a rendez-vous in a certain alleyway from a faithful minion. May I suggest a ride on board one of these new steampowered vehicules that are the lattest craze in Zobeck? They are quite sturdy and reliable I assure you… and drive by a kamikaze… euh, I mean a kobold! Yes! A kobold!

    Another of your most faithful minion…

    Long live the king!

  3. @Kobold Quarterly: Gee, that’s gonna be hard, especially since when was the last time you say actual tinfoil?

  4. I think you can still buy sheet tin at a hardware store, but I admit it’s been a long time since I looked.

  5. You still can although aluminum would be a lot easier. Try OSH. I would make one but it would have to wait until summer.

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