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Lamia Adventurers

Lamia adventurers are extremely rare and are almost exclusively made up of those outcast lamia commoners who have struck out on their own or escaped the wickedness of their brethren. Because most lamia practice at least some form of magic, many lamia adventurers are spellcasters, with sorcerers, oracles, witches, and druids being by far the […]

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Monster Monday: The Malforged

For most adventurers, treasure is the greatest lure and reward of their profession. Powerful weapons, potent magic talismans, and several lifetimes’ worth of gold are strong incentives for many to take up the lifestyle. The malforged are living examples of the adventuring occupation’s dangers. These former adventurers have had their dreams of riches turned into

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Book Review: Dungeons & Dragons and Philosophy: Raiding the Temple of Wisdom

Part of the Popular Culture and Philosophy Series, Dungeons & Dragons and Philosophy: Raiding the Temple of Wisdom attempts to apply the cerebral and lofty concepts and theories of philosophy to an iconic roleplaying game. A review by David Gerding says that there is a chance that you’ll dig this book. I think he should

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Transmutation: New Spells

Wizards with the power to assume bestial forms or turn their enemies into harmless creatures are an iconic part of the fantasy genre. Although these powers may seem benign, those who specialize in transmutation magic have little regard for the personal rights of others. Most transmutation spells invasively alter fundamental aspects of their targets, making

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Monster Monday: Tekelnetiress, the Sultana’s Pin

Once one of the chosen few of Lashmaraq of Hariz, Tekelnetiress the chitin drake fell afoul of one of that queen’s many purges. A valued personal aide and bodyguard, as well as a “Hammer” of Hariz, Tekelnetiress was responsible for overseeing the training and equipping of forces ultimately destined for the failed conquest of Khandiria.

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You’re Cursed!

Imprecations—curses—are as old as recorded memory. They appeal to supernatural powers to inflict harm on a person or group. Practiced by many cultures, the curse usually involves crafting an effigy of the victim with clay, stuffed cloth, wax, or wood, and marking or painting to represent the target. Though malicious and spiteful evil magic, the

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Terrain Tidbits

Are you ready to “go vertical”? To discover the “third dimension” of tabletop gaming? Terrain adds something visually visceral to your miniatures gameplay. Even something as small and simple as barrels, boxes, walls, and trees can make a difference in player attention spans. (You can also buy terrain. There are many fine places to get

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Twenty Things Found in the Pockets of Your Enemies

Random generation tables have been utilized for D&D since the genesis of the original Dungeon Masters Guide. Over the years, they have provided that extra random element of a game, inspiring everything from chance meetings and unusual terrain to unexpected treasures. Harkening back to the traditions of the AD&D appendices, presented here is a table

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