Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

GAMA’s FLGS Locator

Great news! GAMA’s recently created a friendly local game store (FLGS) locator to help you find nearby stores, saying… During these changing times, stores have begun offering alternate shopping experiences such as curbside pick-up or local delivery for purchased items. Some stores are also offering gift cards as another outlet for customer support. Search for

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Riverfolk Halflings, the Scattered People of the Trade

From ramshackle patchwork barges to the decks of fishing boats and smuggling vessels, riverfolk halflings are found along the greatest rivers of the Crossroads… and some of the less great. The gruff barge pilot in the wide-brimmed hat, predicting a river with near-prescient skill; the singer, stamping out rhythms on the deck while belting out

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The 4th Pillar: Mythbusters (Party Composition Edition)

Everyone loves to talk about group composition. I feel like the prevalence and popularity of video games have only bolstered these arguments over the years as well. There’s the ever-unavoidable “holy trinity”: classes that primarily take damage (tanks), classes that primarily heal damage (healers), and classes that primarily deal damage (DPS). Even the acronym for

The 4th Pillar: Mythbusters (Party Composition Edition) Read More »

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