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Warlock’s Apprentice: The Bloodstone Gargoyle of Bratislor Pass

A hulking effigy carved from solid bloodstone clings to the sanctuary steeple. A closer look reveals a sinister winged creature of elemental earth that bears the loathsome likeness of a demonic statue with long, curving horns and a prodigiously wicked grin. The sound of grinding stone and the blinking of two luminous crimson eyes precede […]

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Inbar’s Guide to the Northlands: Björnrike and the Bearfolk

Dearest Mother and Father, I will not chill your loving hearts with tales of the things I have seen in the Kingdom of the Wolf. Know I remain whole and uninjured. I have once again joined with other stout souls and have moved from the Vargrike, a region of howling wolves and blood, into Björnrike,

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Warlock’s Apprentice: The Band of the Twice Damned

Six infamous outriders in the service of King Lucan and Emperor Nicoforus the Pale. The following serves as a grim dossier, detailing six unique non-player characters (NPCs) who prowl the shadow-haunted realms of Midgard’s Blood Kingdom. These villainous outriders are united by their allegiance to a sinister mercenary company known as the Band of the

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Out of the Frying Pan: The Cellars of Phineas Scrybb

In a southwestern “backwater” of Zobeck’s Collegium District, near the banks of the Derry River, sits a crooked little side street on which stands a tilted little shop. The sign reads, “P. Scrybb; Herbalist, Taxidermist, Conservator Exotique.” PCs find themselves traveling the narrow lanes and backstreets of this rather “less-illuminated” neighborhood, searching out said Mr.

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Courtfolk Halflings, the Quiet People of the Covenant

No creature epitomizes the art of graceful service like the courtfolk, an accomplishment these halflings take with great (but quiet) pride. Courtfolk are defined by their dedication and deference to the great elven courts of old, but their identities are in flux in the wake of the Great Retreat. Now their oaths are sworn to

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