Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Behind the Spells: Spiritual Weapon

Welcome back to Behind the Spells, the series that provides a historical background, secret effects, and related material to classic spells of the world’s most famous fantasy roleplaying game. The rules (presented after the “Spell Secret” header) are compatible with any 3.5/OGL fantasy game, and the background weaves the spell into the lore of the

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Ask the Kobold: Clay Golems, Falling Damage, Stoneskin, and the Truth about DR

Exactly how much “curse” does a clay golem’s cursed wound really have? The creature description says the damage the golem deals doesn’t heal naturally and that anyone casting a conjuration (healing) spell on the injured character must make a DC 26 caster level check to actually heal the injury. Can a remove curse spell remove

Ask the Kobold: Clay Golems, Falling Damage, Stoneskin, and the Truth about DR Read More »

Behind the Spells: Water Breathing

Welcome back to Behind the Spells, the series that provides a historical background, secret effects, and related material to classic spells of the world’s most famous fantasy roleplaying game. The rules (presented after the “Spell Secret” header) are compatible with any 3.5/OGL fantasy game, and the background weaves the spell into the lore of the

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D&D Economics, Part 4

Rule 31. Arch Wizard Miltonous Freidmanicus first coined the phrase “Trickle Down Economics” to describe his theory of economics which should control inflation and thus ensure a properly functioning sustainable growth curve. The cornerstone of his philosophy is never taxing adventurers. An untaxed adventurer is a motivated adventurer and willing to continue to grow his

D&D Economics, Part 4 Read More »

Behind the Spells: Summon Monster

Welcome back to Behind the Spells, the series that provides a historical background, secret effects, and related material for classic spells from the world’s most famous fantasy roleplaying game. The rules (presented after the “Spell Secret” header) are compatible with any 3.5/OGL fantasy game, and the background weaves the spell into the lore of the

Behind the Spells: Summon Monster Read More »

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