Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Midgard: A Devil May Rise

Thiloquenn the devil sat patiently in his shadows. Shadows he was used to, but patience was a virtue he was still attempting to practice. Fortunately for the devil, Zobeck is full of shadows. So, Thiloquenn meditated in his wreathing shadows, waiting for his unsuspecting victim. “Ah, here he is…” thought the small, red devil when […]

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Deadly Harmony: Not Your Average Herd

The practice of domestication is older than civilization. To date, mankind has tamed what your adventuring group would consider to be rather tame creatures. In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, however, those with talent, interest, or need can domesticate much more dangerous creatures. Factor in exotic races with unusual dietary and cultural needs, and you could

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Magic Shops: Flights of Fancy (Part 2 of 2)

If you open issue #19 of Kobold Quarterly, you’ll find an article called “Magic Shops: What’s in Store?” by Christina Stiles and Spike Y Jones (the very same authors of this article!). That article explores the topic of how you can turn the experience of shopping for magic items into a useful GM tool, plus shows

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How to Set Up an Assassination Attempt without Upsetting Your Players (Part 3 of 3)

So, you’ve read the first two parts of this series (Part One and Part Two), and now you’re ready for more. In this final installment, we take a look at scene, action, and the attack. Describe the Scene You have no need for initiative or battlemats yet. Give a brief overview of the encounter location

How to Set Up an Assassination Attempt without Upsetting Your Players (Part 3 of 3) Read More »

Bedorken’s Big, Bad Bag of Bones

Bedorken was never a very good necromancer. Schooled by his father, the reviled Necromancer Ezekhan, he could not stomach the ghouls and zombies that were a fixture of his father’s work. Bedorken was, however, extremely talented. He excelled at conjuration and transmutation, especially the fabrication of extradimensional spaces. He also had a love of skeletons

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A pool of oily black water ripples as you approach. Darkwater can be both an unexpected terrain hazard and a potential story hook for assassination plots. If your adventurers are moving through a dark and dank cavern system, they might walk right into a puddle of darkwater. If they’re mixing among the social elite in

Darkwater Read More »

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