Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Howling Tower: The Road from Dullsville to Thrilltown

Journeys are part of the myths we try to capture in RPGs. From the Odyssey and Anabasis of the Greeks, to Huck and Jim’s trip down the Mississippi, to films such as The Hidden Fortress and Saving Private Ryan, journeys serve as both vehicles for adventure and as metaphors for the heroes’ movement toward self-discovery.

Howling Tower: The Road from Dullsville to Thrilltown Read More »

Kobold Guide to Board Game Design Nominated for Origins Award

Congratulations to Mike Selinker and all of the talented authors who contributed their insights to the Kobold Guide To Board Game Design: the book has been nominated for the Origins Award for Best Game-Related Publication! If you’re attending the 2012 Origins Game Fair, I hope you’ll cast your vote for the KGBGD this year. The response

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New Solo Play Adventure: Kalgor Bloodhammer and the Ghouls Through the Breach

As a kid, whenever I went to visit my relatives over the summer, I mourned the hours missed playing D&D with my friends. My salvation came in the form of choose-your-own-adventure type game books. Whenever I wasn’t visiting elderly second cousins and great-aunts, I’d spend hours immersed in solo adventures, battling alone against dragons, giants,

New Solo Play Adventure: Kalgor Bloodhammer and the Ghouls Through the Breach Read More »

Batter Up!

Minion #7, leader of the Journeys to the Western Ocean project, has been called up to the big leagues! Yep, I’m pinch-hitting on the Kobold Quarterly magazine staff, batting for Editorial Assistant Christopher Bodan in KQ #21! I can already hear the roar of the crowds as I step up to the plate—or maybe that’s

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Seize the Tin Crown Entry: The Clockwork Heart of St. Heviticus

In the next several days, we’ll be posting the entries we received for the Seize the Tin Crown contest. These will each be only lightly proofread so that you, our voting public, have a chance to judge them based on your own criteria. After we post the last of the entries, we’ll be calling for

Seize the Tin Crown Entry: The Clockwork Heart of St. Heviticus Read More »

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