Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

From Diablo 3 to D&D: Memorable and Challenging Boss Battles (Part 1 of 2)

Today we’re going to talk about boss battles in your tabletop games, including how you can borrow a few ideas from Diablo 3 and other titles as well. Making these climactic encounters a true apex to your adventures is crucial, and they are loads of fun to dream up. Remember, folks, D&D invented the “boss

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Howling Tower: Placing Traps to Serve a Larger Purpose

The trap is a D&D icon. Classic dungeons such as Tomb of Horrors and The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan are famous for their mechanical ambushes. Traps are so central to the concept of dungeons that an entire class—the thief—was developed to deal with them (along with locked doors). In real life, of course, archaeologists have

Howling Tower: Placing Traps to Serve a Larger Purpose Read More »

AGE of Combat: Building Combat Encounters in the AGE System (Part 2 of 2)

In the last post, we covered how the Threat Level system works to provide Dragon Age and AGE system game masters with a base score for deciding if a group of adversaries would make an appropriate challenge for their player characters. This post expands on those rules by providing the Threat Level system for the

AGE of Combat: Building Combat Encounters in the AGE System (Part 2 of 2) Read More »

Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 24)

As ever, readers who are new to the diary, please read the earlier installments first. (Art by Chris McFann.) DAY FIFTY-FIVE (later) Well. Planning—and subsequently executing—a company picnic is significantly harder than I initially expected. Here’s my whole freaking Saturday basically wasted, and I’m no closer to having that punch made than I was this

Oh, I’m Going to Get Killed Any Minute Now (Part 24) Read More »

ENnie Award Nominations for Open Design!

There is singing, dancing and drinking in the kobold mines today: Open Design received four ENnie Award 2012 nominations. Here’s what we’re up for this year: Best Adventure: Streets of Zobeck Best Art, Interior: Book of Drakes Best RPG Related Product: Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design Best Writing: Your Whispering Homunculus Congratulations to Ben

ENnie Award Nominations for Open Design! Read More »

AGE of Combat: Building Combat Encounters in the AGE System (Part 1 of 2)

Combat encounters are a staple of most tabletop roleplaying games, and that is certainly the case in the Dragon Age RPG from Green Ronin. Combat in Dragon Age is fun, fast, and cinematic, with both heroes and villains using the game’s unique stunt system to perform daring feats of skill to quickly turn the tide

AGE of Combat: Building Combat Encounters in the AGE System (Part 1 of 2) Read More »

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