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Monster Blizzard Heading for Northeast U.S.

Monster Blizzard Heading for Northeast U.S.

Midgard Legends coverThe National Weather Service is reporting that a blizzard of unusual size and ferocity might be heading for the Northeastern United States. According to Bloomberg the storm has the potential to dump two feet of snow on Boston and eastern Massachusetts, potentially causing power outages and leaving 10 inches in New York City.

Curled up in our cozy warrens with mugs of gourd juice, the kobolds hope that lights remain continual for everyone in the big storm. And hey, careful with those torches and lanterns if your warren is flammable.

What gaming do we all recommend to the snowbound?

14 thoughts on “Monster Blizzard Heading for Northeast U.S.”

  1. Jacob’s Well, a survival horror adventurer that takes place while waiting out a blizzard at a small trading post/hunting lodge. Published in Dungeon Magazine several years ago. The early nineties maybe?

  2. I’m one of those folks in the north east and I am not looking forward to this! Luckily I have plenty of work to keep me busy … unless we lose power … then I’m hosed! :)

  3. I’m right at ground zero for this in Massachusetts. I’m hoping the power stays on long enough for me to finish editing my next “Treasure by the Pound” article. Then maybe a session of “Wyrm Rhyme Saga” (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrm-rhyme-saga) the Viking/Dragon Hunt campaign I’m currently running. If the weather is too bad to get the crew together for that, then Small World or Last Night on Earth with family seems likely.

  4. Wyrm Rhyme sounds good to me: Vikings AND a Dragon Hunt? Perfect

    And oddly enough, I was one of the editors on “Jacob’s Well” back in the early 90s. I’m glad it is remembered: I thought that was one of the standout adventures from that period.

    Seems like people are prepared to laugh at Boreas for sure. Good luck!

  5. Pah! My Canadian viking blood laughs at your feet of snow! and then huddles for warmth when the power dies and my precious photoshop won’t run.

  6. The radio just said 1/2 a million people without power out thataway so far, and overnight windchill will take the temp below 0 in some places tonight. Good luck, any kobolds out there!

  7. Well, it’s done here. It ended up being a little windy, but nowhere near what was predicted. We got about 14″ of pretty heavy snow.

    Finished cleanup around noon.

    We wound up playing Icewind Dale. :)

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