New Design Essays

New Design Essays

ScribeAs part of the Open Design projects that I design, I generally write a set of essays. Some of these have been collected (with contributors from others) into the Kobold Guide to Game Design series.

For Courts of the Shadow Fey, I have a set of topics chosen ahead of time, though I’m open to suggestions from the patrons, of course. Here’s the list so far….

  1. Basic Design Principles and Philosophy
  2. Campaign Structures: Building a Narrative
  3. Design Failures and Recovery
  4. Location as a Design Tool
  5. Optimizing Design for Roleplay
  6. Sandbox Design Core Principles

Like these? Prefer some other topics? Sign up as a patron and I’ll get right on it!

Note: The project doors will close for Courts of the Shadow Fey on Thursday, October 8th.

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