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Trapsmith: Fear the Arrow—The Return of Pain

Trapsmith: Fear the Arrow—The Return of Pain

In a previous Trapsmith entry, we explored the merits of fear and how a trapsmith uses it in his designs. “Arrows of the Arbonesse” in Kobold Quarterly #20 introduces several new arrows that you can use to breathe life into the old arrow trap design, transforming it from the ubiquitous dungeon feature to something approaching dangerous. Let’s explore how to make that happen by looking at the base trap and the base arrows, then we’ll have some fun with the end result of the trap.

Arrow Trap (CR 1)

Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect Atk +15 ranged (1d8+1/×3)

The first arrow to catch the trapsmith’s eye was the nonmagical acid splash arrow. Magic has its uses, but magical ammunition exposes a trap too easily. (The following arrow was designed by Jarrod Camiré, and it can be found in Kobold Quarterly #20.)

Acid Splash Arrow

Aura none (non-magical); CL none
Slot none; Price 20 gp; Weight 1/10 lb.
This masterwork arrow breaks on impact, releasing a dose of acid dealing 1d3 points damage.
Requirements Craft (bow) DC 21; Cost 10 gp

Adding the acid splash arrow to the arrow trap and strengthening the design here and there leads to the acidic arrow trap.

Acidic Arrow Trap CR 2

Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect Atk +15 ranged (1d8+4/×3 and 1d3 acid damage)

A slightly more expensive arrow is the razor’s filament arrow. On its own, the arrow would merely lead adventurous trespassers to the source of the latest attack, but to use a trapsmith motto: quantity has its own quality. (The following arrow was designed by Jarrod Camiré, and it can be found in Kobold Quarterly #20.)

Razor’s Filament Arrow

Aura none (non-magical); CL none
Slot none; Price 45 gp; Weight 1/10 lb.
When this masterwork arrow is released, a thin metallic wire trails behind the projectile. The thread must be anchored before the arrow is fired (a section of the thin metallic wire equipped with a hook emerges from the arrow for this very purpose). Anyone walking through the cutting wire takes 1d6+1 points of damage; those running through the wire take 2d6+2 points damage, but the metallic thread generally snaps after the first victim (90% chance). A razor’s filament is AC 15 (touch 13) has 1 hit point, and has DR 10/slashing. Such threads can be detected with a DC 20 Perception check.
Requirements Craft (bow) DC 23; Cost 25 gp

Using the venerable arrow trap design, add the razor filament arrow and increasing the number of arrows used from one to four. Then tie the trailing filaments to the other arrows in such a way that an X-shaped cut is achieved, which results in the scything filament trap.

Scything Filament Trap CR 2

Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect razor sharp filament (4d6+8) DC 20 Reflex save avoids

Improved Scything Filament Trap CR 6

Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect razor sharp filament (4d6+8) DC 20 Reflex save avoids; multiple targets (all targets in two connecting 5-foot squares)


To see more arrows from Jarrod, check out Kobold Quarterly #20. We also have other Trapsmith entries on the site that you can use to your GMing heart’s content!

(This post is Product Identity.)


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