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Friday Funny

Random Charisma Penalties & Dirty Looks Spreadsheet

Several weeks ago, Ryan Costello made us laugh with his Friday Funny: Charisma Penalties and Dirty Looks. Well, a fan loved the random list so much, he created a randomized Excel spreadsheet for it: Charisma Penalties & Dirty Looks spreadsheet (and an xls version) If you hit F9 when the file’s open, it’ll “re-roll.” From

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Friday Funny: Charisma Penalties and Dirty Looks

Charisma does not simply measure one’s force of personality—your confidence, your presence. It also measures physical attractiveness. A high Charisma means smooth-skin, coifed hair, symmetrical features: that you’re a real looker. A low Charisma, on the other hand, means something is… off. Well, what’s off, exactly? Now, you can find out. Below is a list

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Friday Funny: A Coward’s Life (Part 1)

By sweet Chautauqua’s flow’ry banks We love to sing and play, But should we spy a foeman’s ranks, We’d proudly run away! —H. P. Lovecraft, “Pacifist War Song—1917” There comes a time in all heroes’ lives when they must make the ultimate sacrifice and perish while saving their adventuring companions, their true loves, and sometimes

Friday Funny: A Coward’s Life (Part 1) Read More »

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