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Real Steel: Kobold’s Choice

Real Steel: Kobold’s Choice

Sample Flanged MaceIn case you haven’t heard, Ernie Gygax recently had a disastrous house fire and lost pretty much all his possessions. All people and pets got out OK.

Although we’re friends on Facebook, I’ve never met Ernie in person. But that doesn’t matter. Ernie is a member of our community. Let’s use this project to help him out.

I’ll stick to the plan and document a build for the mace the kobolds selected. (The mace pictured here is what a flanged mace looks like in general; it is not the final Real Steel mace.) The mace will then be raffled, and the proceeds given to the fund will be used to help Ernie get back on his feet.

Chances are $10 a piece. Please send a PayPal gift to todd(at)toddblades(dot)com for however many chances you’d like with a note that says “For Ernie” in it. It’s important that you specify it’s a gift because PayPal will waive their usual fees and all the money will go to Ernie.

We’ll stop taking donations on April 3, 2013. I’ll make up a ticket for each $10 you donate (more is better :-) ), and I’ll get my son to draw the winner. Shipping this internationally will be next to impossible, so although anyone can give to this fund, I can ship the mace only to an address in the United States. If a non-US resident wins the first draw, I’ll send you a forged Mjolnir pendant from my current Kickstarter. Then we’ll draw tickets until we pull a winner that can receive the mace (in other words, the first person with a USA address). If a mace-eligible winner is pulled first, that person wins the mace, and THEN we’ll pull tickets until we get the first non-US winner, who will receive a Mjolnir pendant.

Let the giving begin! And thanks in advance for supporting a member of our gaming community!

If you have any questions about this, please post them in the comments area. We’d also appreciate it if you spread the word of this endeavor!

Update: PLEASE include in your PayPal note to me whether you are “US” or “Non US” so we can organize the drawing.

5 thoughts on “Real Steel: Kobold’s Choice”

  1. OK, learn as we go. When you send a gift your address isn’t included.

    PLEASE include in your note to me in PayPal whether you are “US” or “Non US” so we can organize the drawing.

    I’ll get shipping addresses from the winners after the drawing.

  2. Please don’t forget to tell me US or non-US.

    We’re doing great! We’ve got lots of $10 givers, and some big givers at $50 and $100!

    Keep it up, kobolds! The $10 bills add up!

    If you’re on Facebook and/or twitter, PLEASE share and retweet.

  3. Charles, it’s both. But while I’d be perfectly willing to ship it to anyone willing to pay for shipping, the vast majority of countries prohibit importing this kind of weapon.

    It’s frustrating. I can ship knives to most countries, because a knife is a tool. But something like this, even though it has value to collectors, is *only* a weapon.

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