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PaizoCon Report #3: Après the Deluge

PaizoCon Report #3: Après the Deluge

The first day of PaizoCon 2010 is in the history books, and the kobold crew has to say: We like this convention. Friendly, small, well-run. Also, full of chatty people who like the Open Design projects and the magazine.

We should totally do this every year. Oh yeah, we do; lucky us!

If you’re at the show, come say hi. If you are not at the show, what would you like to see? We have a camera…

8 thoughts on “PaizoCon Report #3: Après the Deluge”

  1. I’d like to see anything you can take pictures of! I really want to get to PaizoCon some day in the future, maybe next year if I’m really lucky.

  2. I mostly want you to come home (now that its Sunday afternoon), and talk to us about what was announced for Open Design at Paizocon!

  3. My French is embarrassing, fixed.

    The announcements at the show today were for two Open Design projects, both using the Pathfinder rule sets (including the Advanced Player’s Guide if that’s of interest).

    A little more detail can be found in the store for both Frozen Empires and Streets of Zobeck, and I’ll be setting up project patron access this evening as time permits.

    KQ Forum posts on these in a minute as well….

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