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Dungeon Tables: Critical Hits, Part 4.5!

Dungeon Tables: Critical Hits, Part 4.5!

We all know it and love it—the thrill of the natural 20. The rush of adrenaline and victory as you fell your foes with astounding displays of power and finesse. And while double damage is nice, sometimes we want something a bit more . . . satisfying.

The critical hit tables below give some fun description and an additional effect to double damage on a natural 20 melee weapon attack roll for attacks with magical damage types. Watch your players’ eyes light up when they get to roll on the table—or enjoy their moans of horror when you wield it against them!

For characters with multiple attacks per turn, roll on the respective critical hit table at the end of their attack actions. If the target doesn’t have the requisite anatomy or equipment for some result, reroll or poll everyone at the table for an outcome that feels fair and fun.

Critical Hit with Poison Damage

1–3The poison surges through their bloodstream, and they sway in place, woozy. [Stunned until the end of their next turn.]
4–6The toxin disorients them, targeting the part of their brain that processes language. [Cannot speak or comprehend spoken language until the end of your next turn.]
7–9 The poison lingers, sapping their life for longer than expected. [Take half the damage dealt again at the start of their next turn.]
10–12The toxin affects their coordination, temporarily impairing their nervous system. [Incapacitated until the end of their next turn.]
13–15The poison courses through them, blurring their vision with each painful heartbeat. [Blinded until the end of their next turn.]
16–17The toxin causes severe nausea and vomiting, searing through their system. [Disadvantage on attack rolls and Constitution saving throws until the end of their next turn.]
18–19The poison wracks their nervous system, causing severe tremors in their extremities and a loss of coordination. [Disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws until the end of your next turn.]
20The poison knocks them into a stupor. They fall over, drooling, their eyes rolled back in their head. [Unconscious until the end of your next turn.]


Was this critical hit table just your cup of poison?

All 24 (and a half!) parts of Dungeon Tables are now in one place! Visit the Kobold store for the collected Dungeon Tables!

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