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Trapsmith: the Mauruvian Harp
and the Corridor of Remembrance

When the sun’s rays shone through the airshaft and struck the corridor’s murals, the Maruvian caste-nobles ended their long vigil and touched the door of their father’s tomb, whispering their final farewells. The caste-nobles gathered where the corridor led out, patiently waiting for the Lifesinger priest to appear. When he finally arrived, he struck his

Trapsmith: the Mauruvian Harp
and the Corridor of Remembrance
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Portcullis and Active Defenses

Clang! The grate slams to the floor, sealing the exit — and alerting every monster in hearing distance…. Most traps are active defenses, contesting every foot of the dungeon. However, a passive defense can be a valuable deterrent as well. Two entry-level passive traps are the portcullis and the razor-wire trap, which we’ll re-design this

Portcullis and Active Defenses
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Tuesday Traps: The Xmas Files

T’was the night before Christmas and throughout the guildhouse, no thief was stirring, not even the king mouse…. In the second year urchins’ dormitory, the children gathered within a fortress of pillows and blankets and discussed the imminent heist. “He enslaves elves,” someone whispered. “I heard he’s an Eladrin,” claimed another, “that’s how he gets

Tuesday Traps: The Xmas Files Read More »

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