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Building a Shared World: Midgard

Building a Shared World: Midgard

Sometimes a 60-minute panel can cover the entire history of a world. This one certainly did, with excursions into what works and doesn’t for Forgotten Realms, Mystara, and Golarion. Panelists Wolfgang Baur, Jeff Grubb, and Brandon Hodge talked about the project’s origins (homebrewed setting), goals (ambitious), and design approach (highly collaborative). More about the panel after the jump.

The discussion covered the nature of dwarves and elves, the uses of weather, and the pitfalls of pantheons. The designers explained how Midgard is a player-driven setting rather than company-driven, and how it incorporates a wide range of sources, ranging into Germanic and Slavic myths for the Midgard Bestiary.

Most of all, the discussion talked about what makes Midgard tick: the creative sparks of many minds, just as happened in the seminar room itself, thanks to sharp questions by Jim Groves, Marc Radle, Adam Daigle, and others. We might have a video link down the road, since the panel was recorded by Doug Dalton of NeonCon.

More to come, including the Coolest Preview Book ever.

3 thoughts on “Building a Shared World: Midgard”

  1. Is there any way this discussion could be made public? Either a podcast, youtube video or transcript in a kobold magazine?

    Would love to have access to it!


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