Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Free Preview: Pirates of the Arabian Nights

One of the adventures in Six Arabian Nights, the current Open Design project, is called “The Sand Pirates,” and it features a fantastic half-efreet pirate captain and his crew, cursed monstrosities beneath the dunes, and a few other twists and turns. As a preview, check out the free download of Captain Asad Al Nar, the Lion of Fire, containing stats, tactics, and stunning art!

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Open Design Presents: Blood of the Gorgon

Blood of the Gorgon is a 50,000+ word dark urban adventure in which the heroes brave terrors without and within. Written by Nicolas Logue and developed by Wolfgang Baur, this patron-driven project includes daily posts and discussion, five design essays discussing horror, mystery adventures, storytelling, and other topic. It also offers playtest opportunities and up-close Q&A of the design choices made for the adventure.

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Enter the Kobold

Dragon Magazine, the long-time resource for D&D players, folded last September after an amazing 359-issue run. Dungeon Adventures ceased publication at the same time, Pyramid has been all electronic for awhile, and White Wolf Magazine and Inphobia are distant memories. Is the era of the paper gaming magazine all gone?

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Shared Worlds

The heart of the tabletop roleplaying world is a place where everyone shares the stage: players, DMs, and designers alike. In that vein, I’m happy to announce that with this issue, I’m stepping back from writing quite so many articles as I did last issue. There’s a world of talent out there, and it’s time

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