Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Gen Con: How to Start an RPG Career — Freelancing 101

I’ve probably given the “How to Break into the RPG Industry” talk fifty times at conventions over the years, and the amazing thing is that the talk keeps changing because the field is always evolving. This Gen Con seminar was, frankly, one of the most honest and practical versions of these sorts of panels I’ve

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Skum Temple Guards

Wearing bronze helmets green with age and armor made of seashells, each scowling fish man passes its hand over an odd-looking, tube-like device at its hip attached by a line to a round metal shield. A magnetic whine is heard and each shield thrums with energy as each warrior draws a deadly looking trident and

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The Best Games EVER!

This year at Gen Con, panelists Greg Stolze, Wolfgang Baur, Ryan Dancey, Stan!, Daniel Solis, Will Hindmarch, James Ernest, and Jeff Neil Bellinger gathered together with seminar attendees to discuss the best games EVER! (just as the seminar name says). Each panelist had a favorite or two, as did several of the attendees. The choices named

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Buffalo Runners, Buffalo Callers (Part 2 of 2)

From the time they are very young, buffalo runners are trained by older buffalo runners and buffalo callers… [previously] Buffalo Bond (Ex): At 4th level, you form a bond with your hunting companions (usually other buffalo runners). This bond allows you to spend a move action to grant half your favored prey bonus against 2d8

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Buffalo Runners, Buffalo Callers (Part 1 of 2)

The horse was introduced to the Plains tribes from 1680–1750, giving rise to the horse culture on the plains, but for thousands of years prior, the tribes had lived on the plains and hunted buffalo in a very different fashion. The tribes of the Northern Plains—including the Assiniboine, Blackfeet, Gros Ventre, Crow, and Lakota—refer to

Buffalo Runners, Buffalo Callers (Part 1 of 2) Read More »

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