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Bards with Class: New Equipment & Magic Items

Bards with Class: New Equipment & Magic Items

The previous entries in this series provided new options for bards who express their abilities using artforms other than music and oratory. The following new equipment and magic items support those concepts.

New Equipment

Secret Ingredients. An herb, spice, or other flavor used to improve aroma, taste, texture, or presentation. Secret ingredients grant a minor non-magical bonus to bardic abilities. Each seasoning also lists other ingredients you can use in place of the listed ingredient. Secret ingredients are intended to be collected in play, though you can purchase them at local stores for 1 sp or less per use.

Green tea

Served as a drink or used to flavor desserts, green tea bolsters you against stage fright and soothes your throat. For an hour after you drink it, anyone you affect with your Countercharm class feature can immediately use their reaction to make a saving throw with advantage against the frightened or charmed conditions. Alternatives include honey, lemon, apple cider vinegar, and cinnamon.


A flavorful herb often used as a garnish, mint promotes more restful sleep. You can share food seasoned with mint with allies during a short rest when you use your Song of Rest class feature. They regain 2 extra hit points. Alternatives include lavender, chamomile, and hops.


Often used in savory dishes, sage promotes focus. For an hour after a creature eats food prepared with sage, they gain an additional +1 bonus when they benefit from your Bardic Inspiration class feature. Alternatives include rosemary, cardamom, and ginger.

New Magic Items

Some of the items below were designed with bards in mind, but they can be used by any character who can cast the referenced spells. Some of the spells referenced are not on the bard list, but your GM might allow you to add them to the bard spell list, as described previously.

Demon Pepper

Wondrous Item, Common

Usually finely ground from the smoked and dried pepper of the same name, this is among the spiciest peppers known—anywhere. Each pouch contains 1d6 + 2 pinches. You can sprinkle it as an additional, expendable material component when you cast the toxic temptation spell. The target has disadvantage on its save.

Dwarven Cookbook

Wondrous Item, Rare

This small cookbook has dozens of recipes for dwarven delicacies. It grants advantage on checks utilizing  cook’s utensils or brewer’s supplies.

If you read the cookbook when casting the create food and water spell, you create ale instead of water and a hearty stew instead of blander fare. Creatures that ingest the food or drink gain resistance on saves against poisons and diseases. Dwarves also gain resistance on saves against the frightened condition. These benefits last for 8 hours.

If you read the cookbook when casting the create or destroy water spell, you create ale instead of water. Creatures that drink the ale gain temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.

Goodberry Glaze

Wondrous Item, Common

This jar contains 1d6 + 2 dollops of a sweet and tangy glaze. You can use the glaze as an additional, expendable material component when casting the goodberry spell. Creatures that eat a glazed goodberry regain 2 hit points instead of 1. Each berry provides nourishment to sustain a creature for 2 days.

Halfling Super-Syrup

Wondrous Item, Common

This small jar contains 1d6 + 2 uses of a powerful syrup that makes anything taste good. You can use this syrup as an additional, expendable material component when casting purify food and drink. Creatures that ingest the purified food or drink gain a +5 bonus to their speed for 8 hours.

Otherworldly Pigments

Wondrous Item, Very Rare

This jug has enough pigment for 1d6 + 2 paintings. You can use the pigments as an additional, expendable material component when casting the dark masterpiece spell. Creatures in the area of the spell suffer disadvantage on their saves.

Secret Spice Mix

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This small packet contains 1d6 + 2 pinches of seasoning. You can use the seasoning as an additional, expendable material component when casting the heroes’ feast spell. The feast can be consumed in 30 minutes instead of an hour. Three additional creatures can partake of the feast. The hit point maximum of a creature that partakes in the feast increases by 2d12 instead of 2d10, and it heals the same number of hit points. These benefits last for 48 hours

Yellow Ink of Shame

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This vial contains enough ink to write 1d6 + 2 pages or empower the same number of spells. You can use it as an additional, expendable material component when casting any spell that relates to writing, glyphs, or symbols. You gain advantage on concentration checks with the spell, and the spell counts as if you cast it at 1 level higher.


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