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Worldbuilding Guide Takes ENnies Gold

Worldbuilding Guide Takes ENnies Gold

Gen Con 2013 - Kobold ENniesWhen the Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design took ENnies gold last year, we were delighted—because it’s a game product that helps create new game designers.

Well, it happened again in 2013. The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding won TWO gold ENnie awards for Best Writing, and Best RPG Related Product.

Congratulations to Wolfgang Baur, Keith Baker, David “Zeb” Cook, Monte Cook, Jeff Grubb, Scott Hungerford, Chris Pramas, Jonathan Roberts, Ken Scholes, Janna Silverstein, Michael A. Stackpole, and Steve Winter!

We’re gratified and humbled at this recognition from our fellow industry professionals, and the fans. Our whole series of game design books embodies the principles that Kobold Press was founded on, and it’s great to see that others find value in them.

3 thoughts on “Worldbuilding Guide Takes ENnies Gold”

  1. Thanks to everyone who voted kobold. It was Paizo’s year (8 awards?), but a few other projects were also very much recognized, and this was one of them.

    The other one that got 2 awards was Night’s Watch by Green Ronin. Also an excellent book.

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