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Winner! The Finest of Tabards

Winner! The Finest of Tabards

Our t-shirt contest was a modest success, with a dozen entries from around the world showing gamers and KQ readers in all their finery. There’s many we remember fondly: the clockwork automaton, the drow, the dragon eating a hapless gamer at GenCon. Alas, it came down to two entries: a KQ reader and a maiden in chainmail, and a KQ reader and his orange friend.

We struggled with the decision until we realized that both snaps were from the same reader. Technically, allowed under the contest rules, and a sign of true diligence. We award the 1st Annual KQ Tabard Contest prize to Ben McFarland.

Click through for a peek at the winning entry.

What’s the message here? Kobold is Fundamental! Seriously, there’s just nothing about this picture that doesn’t put a giant egg-eating grin on our scaly faces. Kobolds and Muppets, two great tastes that somehow fit together. Next year, Ben, you need to have Ernie wear the shirt, though. We have XXL sizes. Kobold_is_fundamental_Small

And that second photo. Well, the other lesson for future contestants is that chainmail is always in fashion.
Our congrats to Ben for his winning entries with that snazzy shirt, and we’ll be sending him a copy of Steam & Brass or another Open Design project as soon as he tells us which one he’d like.

Until next year’s contest!

7 thoughts on “Winner! The Finest of Tabards”

  1. Good job, Ben!! It was a pleasure to help judge the contest given the quality of submissions. Note to everyone else — we still have some of the T-shirts available if you want to order them.

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