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Truename Rituals (Part 2 of 2)

Truename Rituals (Part 2 of 2)

Truename Rituals imageIn part 2 of Truename Rituals, David provides us with more rituals to use in our games. These rituals require the use of the Truename Divination ritual he presented in part 1.

Affirmation of Vitality

Level: 20; Component Cost: Special
Category: Truename; Market Price: 35,000 gp
Time: Standard Action; Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Instantaneous
Prerequisite: Must know the Truename Divination ritual

Speak the truename of vitality, and your ally’s wounds are mended. You can inflict damage to an enemy by inverting this truename.

Natural: Choose to target one ally that you can see. The target regains a number of hit points equal to your Arcana check divided by two (rounded down), and you lose a number of healing surges determined by your skill check.

Inverted: Choose to target one enemy or unattended object that you can see and to which you have line of effect. The target takes damage equal to your Arcana check divided by five (rounded down), and you lose a number of healing surges determined by your skill check.

Special: If you do not have enough healing surges to sacrifice when you cast this ritual, the ritual has no effect.

Arcana Check Result: Healing Surges Lost
34 or less: 3
35–45: 2
46 or higher: 1

Battlefield Lexicon

Level: 10; Component Cost: 1 healing surge
Category: Truename; Market Price: 1,500 gp
Time: Standard Action; Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Instantaneous
Prerequisite: Must know the Truename Divination ritual

With the truenames catalogued in this ritual, you can alter any battlefield to suit your needs.

Natural: Choose a number of squares you can see based on your Arcana check. Those squares become difficult terrain or grant cover to creatures that occupy them. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter.

Inverted: Choose a number of squares of difficult terrain or squares that grant cover that you can see based on your Arcana check. Those squares no longer count as difficult terrain or no longer grant cover until the end of the encounter.

Arcana Check Result: Number of Squares Affected
24 or less: 5
25–29: 6
30–34: 7
35–39: 8
40–44: 9
45 or higher: 10

Declaration of Resistance

Level: 16; Component Cost: 1 healing surge
Category: Truename; Market Price: 12,000 gp
Time: Standard Action; Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Instantaneous
Prerequisite: Must know the Truename Divination ritual

This truename imparts resistance to elemental damage to an ally or makes an enemy vulnerable to such damage when spoken in its inverted form.

Natural: Choose to target yourself or one ally you can see and to which you have line of effect. The next time the target takes acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage before the end of the encounter, you can reduce that damage as a free action by an amount determined by your Arcana skill check.

Inverted: Choose to target one enemy or unattended object that you can see and to which you have line of effect. The next time the target takes acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage before the end of the encounter, you can increase that damage as a free action by an amount determined by your Arcana skill check.

Skill Check Result: Damage Decrease/Increase
30 or less: 5 damage
31–35: 8 damage
36–40: 10 damage
41 or higher: 15 damage

Enunciation of Might

Level: 14; Component Cost: 1 healing surge
Category: Truename; Market Price: 5,000 gp
Time: Standard Action; Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Instantaneous
Prerequisite: Must know the Truename Divination ritual

With the truename of might, you can bolster the strength of your ally’s attacks. Invert this word and the attacks of your enemies become weakened.

Natural: Choose to target yourself or one ally that you can see and to which you have line of effect. The next melee attack that target makes is considered to have the brutal property as determined by your Arcana check.

Arcana Check Result: Property
29 or less: Brutal 1
30–34: Brutal 2
35–39: Brutal 3
40 or higher: Brutal 4

Inverted: Choose to target one enemy that you can see and to which you have line of effect. The target suffers an effect determined by your Arcana check result.

Arcana Check Result: Condition
29 or less: -2 to damage rolls until the end of the target’s next turn
30–39: Weakened until the end of the target’s next turn
40 or higher: Weakened (save ends)

1 thought on “Truename Rituals (Part 2 of 2)”

  1. I like them. Only a Vorpal Falchion + Enunciation of Might equals infinite damage.
    Enunciation of Might + Carnage Weapon is pretty strong, but not broken.

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