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Oklu: Monster Preview for The Lost City

Oklu: Monster Preview for The Lost City

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Note: This preview precedes choosing the specific setting for The Lost City. Consequently, few specifics show up here, awaiting a more concrete theme with specific scenery and detailed descriptions of their former masters. Many details will change throughout the design process. You’ll see more sections when we add detail later on!


Bred and trained as perfect servants, oklus sculpt their personalities to suit those around them, gifted by their masters with the ability to escape notice.

Disconnected from the outside world for ages, the Lost City still houses a few descendents of the populace that once called it home. Amid the dust and forgotten relics, a few of the servants still try to fulfill their dead masters’ wishes. The only creatures who still know the layout and secrets of the Lost City, they’re unwilling to give up the secrets their former masters would see protected. However, their information is incomplete, based on the city at the apex of its power instead of its current state, so an oklu knows only legends of the areas beyond its home…

Accustomed to Servitude: The masters of the Lost City, dissatisfied with their workers and soldiers, sought out a new race to serve them. Envoys from the city found reptilian humanoids who instinctively shaped their behavior to fit the whims and personalities of those they met. After enslaving these reptilians in massive numbers, the masters entrusted them with everything: maintenance, housework, trade, and even the defense of the city. And the oklus shaped themselves to be as servile and humble as the masters desired.

No Purpose: To achieve a such a subservient attitude, the oklus rid themselves of ambition. Combined with the masters’ arrogance and certainty of their own perfection, the city stagnated instead of growing or even matching the progress of the world around it. Since the city’s fall, the oklus have kept their old allegiance and attitude as the city deteriorated around them. They do the bare minimum they must to survive, having no greater goals. To them, nothing beyond the city matters.

Impressionable: Though the oklus follow the last commands impressed on them—the orders of the masters—any creature with a strong personality could alter their outlook given enough time. Just a few days with a single oklu or a week among a larger community can substantially alter their behavior.

Turning oklus from enemies to allies simply takes time. This trait convinced the masters to keep their oklus near the city and under orders, rather than sending them out on long missions where they might switch sides.

Hidden in Plain Sight: The masters of the Lost City, wishing to ignore the lesser beings that served them, gave the oklus one great gift: magical camouflage. The creatures used this ability to perform chores without attracting attention, but their warriors became adept at ambushes and guerilla combat. Today, the few oklus who leave the city conceal themselves while gathering food or supplies. If anyone intrudes into the city, most oklus camouflage themselves and notify the guard oklus rather than stalking or attacking the intruders.

Divided by Caste: A rigid societal structure, impressed on the oklus by the masters, governs all their interactions. Their jobs are rigidly defined. Soldiers guard the city, workers repair the city, and hunters gather food for the city, for instance. Individuals never take on tasks outside their roles. Parents must come from the same caste, and their children belong to that caste. While the masters occasionally changed caste assignments to shore up weak areas, the oklus no longer have such guidance. Their meager civilization teeters on the brink of collapse. As hunters and workers dwindle in numbers, their society is losing the ability to support itself.

Oklu Servant (Level 12 Minion Brute)

Medium natural humanoid (reptile); XP 175
Initiative +9; Perception +9

HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 24, Fortitude 24, Reflex 24, Will 24
Speed 6, climb 4

Imitative Personality
If the last creature to take a turn hit with any attacks on that turn, the oklu gains a +4 bonus to damage rolls during its turn. If the last creature didn’t attack or missed with all attacks, the oklu takes a −4 penalty to damage instead.

[m] Short Sword (illusion, weapon) • At-Will
Attack—Melee 1 or ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. AC.
Hit—12 damage.
Miss—The servant is invisible until the start of its next turn and shifts 2 squares.

[M] Imprint of Aggression (weapon) • At-Will
Trigger—A creature adjacent to the servant hits with an attack.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt)—Melee 1 (the triggering creature); +15 vs. AC.
Hit—12 damage.

Skills Stealth +14
Str 12 (+7)           Dex 16 (+9)         Wis 16 (+9)
Con 21 (+11)       Int 11 (+6)           Cha 19 (+10)
Alignment unaligned     Languages Common

Oklu Assassin                Level 13 Lurker

Medium natural humanoid (reptile); XP 800
Initiative +16; Perception +9

HP 100; Bloodied 50
AC 27, Fortitude 25, Reflex 27, Will 23
Speed 7, climb 7

Imitative Personality
If the last creature to take a turn hit with any attacks on that turn, the oklu gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls during its turn. If the last creature didn’t attack or missed with all attacks, the oklu takes a −5 penalty to damage instead.

[m] Dagger (illusion, weapon) • At-Will
Attack—Melee 1 or ranged 10 (one creature); +18 vs. AC.
Hit—2d4 + 11 damage.

[M] Assassin’s Return • At-Will
Effect—The assassin uses dagger, becomes visible, shifts its speed, and uses dagger again.

Assassin’s Camouflage (illusion) • At-Will
Effect—The assassin becomes invisible until the end of its next turn, then moves its speed.

Ancient Poison (poison) • Recharge when the assassin is first bloodied or is hit by a critical hit
Effect—The triggering attack deals 15 extra poison damage.

[M] Imprint of Travel (teleportation) • At-Will
Trigger—An enemy within 10 squares of the assassin shifts multiple squares, charges, runs, or teleports.
Effect (Immediate Reaction)—The assassin shifts an equal number of squares.

Skills Stealth +17
Str 18 (+10)         Dex 22 (+12)       Wis 16 (+9)
Con 16 (+9)         Int 14 (+8)           Cha 15 (+8)
Alignment unaligned     Languages Common

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