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Lost Magic: Inner Secrets

Lost Magic: Inner Secrets

Portrait of a Scholar - Domenico FettiDo you need some more magic in your game? Maybe a few secrets would suit your fancy, but beware the price inherent in this particular spell. GMs could consider tying in elements of the knowledge gleaned to the very nightmares that prevent the caster from gaining rest.

Inner Secrets

School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 1

Casting Time 1 standard action;

Components V, S

Range 25 ft.

Target One humanoid target

Duration Permanent

Savings Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance Yes

Upon completing the spell, you instantly know either the target’s greatest fear or its deepest desire, GM’s choice. This knowledge grants a +5 circumstance bonus to all skill checks made to influence the target as well as a +5 to your spell save DCs when using the information gleaned against the target to influence it. Using this spell has consequences: The next time you sleep, you have terrible nightmares that prevent you from enjoying restful sleep. You are shaken and fatigued until after a remove curse (or another similar more powerful spell) is cast on you get at least 8 hours of restful sleep.

6 thoughts on “Lost Magic: Inner Secrets”

  1. Am I reading the last part of the spell right that after the next time you sleep after this spell, you are stuck fatigued and shaken until someone cast the right 3rd level or higher spell on you? Seems rather a high (and unusual) cost for a 1st level spell, especially one that has a decent chance of failure against anyone with a half way decent will save (as the target resisting the spell does not negate the penalties to the caster).

  2. That is what it sounds like, though I disagree on the value of “halfway decent Will save” (lots of characters have terrible Will saves)

    I like “spells with a price” from time to time, but this one seems a little off.

  3. I read it as only affecting the next night’s sleep, so if you don’t get a Remove Curse you can just suffer through one day of being shaken and fatigued, then sleep normally on the next night for 8 hours and be fine again. It would certainly be situational, but in an intrigue based game, especially one where having the shaken and fatigued condition for 1 day won’t be a killer, this spell is intriguing. Still, maybe if it were just the fatigued condition, or if the caster could save to resist or reduce the effect, that might reduce the penalty a little while still keeping a cost to the spell?

  4. @Wolfgang, I like spells with costs too, I just feel that this one may be a little steep.

    @idilippy, which is why I asked for clarification, the last sentence is rather unclear.

    The spell’s bonus should probably drop over time and not give the caster a permanent +5 bonus against the target.

  5. The spell cost is commensurate with the potential benefit against an enemy or target. An illusionist or assassin with this knowledge would benefit greatly. And spellcasters who get such valuable intelligence SHOULD pay a price.

  6. It looks like there are some words missing:

    You are shaken and fatigued until after a remove curse (or another similar more powerful spell) is cast on you get at least 8 hours of restful sleep.

    You are shaken and fatigued until after a remove curse (or another similar more powerful spell) is cast on you get at least 8 hours of restful sleep.

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