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Legendary Locations of Midgard: Dynamic Environments (Part 2)

Legendary Locations of Midgard: Dynamic Environments (Part 2)

Jacob Isaakszoon van RuisdaelWe continue the look at legendary locations of Midgard in part 2 of the Dynamic Encounters series. Next up is Missala, with its tortured inhabitants.

Missala, the Indolent Island (Page 140)

The ruins of the diamond palace are on this small island. Long abandoned, its only inhabitants are the pained remnants of the once living. The legends of vast fortunes lying in the ruins encourage the occasional adventuring party into the palace, but only the hardiest survive their time among the tortured souls of the former residents.

Missala, the Indolent Island     Level 12

Dynamic Terrain     XP 700

Constant Penalty: –2 Endurance, –2 Heal

Stage 5: The first time in each encounter that a PC needs to make a death saving throw, the PC automatically fails.

PCs gain vulnerable 10 necrotic.

Stage 4: PCs regain only half hit points from healing effects.

PCs gain vulnerable 5 necrotic.

Stage 3: After an extended rest, PCs regain all but two of their healing surges.

PCs gain vulnerable 5 necrotic.

Stage 2: After an extended rest, PCs regain all but two of their healing surges.

Stage 1 (initial): After an extended rest, PCs regain all but one of their healing surges.

Stage 0: The PCs feel uneasy, as if darkness is crawling under their skin.

Success/Failure Criteria

Success: A PC rolls a 20 on a death saving throw.

Failure: Every milestone reached within Missala.

The Bleak Expanse (Page 214)

A frozen desert of ice, snow, and windswept white tundra stretches out for miles. The ice is so deep that you would be forgiven for thinking no ground was beneath it. The cold, featureless landscape and the biting harsh wind take their toll on those who are unfortunate enough to find themselves here.

The Bleak Expanse     Level 17

Dynamic Terrain     XP 1,600

Skill Penalty:–2 Acrobatics, –2 Athletics

Stage 5 (initial): Each successful attack targeting a PC’s Fortitude deals 1d12 extra damage.

Stage 4: As stage 5, but replace 1d12 with 1d10.

Stage 3: As stage 5, but replace 1d12 with 1d8.

Stage 2: As stage 5, but replace 1d12 with 1d6.

Stage 1: As stage 5, but replace 1d12 with 1d4.

Stage 0: The PCs have become acclimatised to the Bleak Expanse.

Success/Failure Criteria

After each extended rest in the Bleak Expanse, each PC makes an Endurance check (DC 23).

Success: More than half of the PCs succeed.

Failure: More than half of the PCs fail.

Ruins of Thorn (Page 206)

Thorn was at one time a shining capitol, before war with the dwarves sent the elves that lived there into retreat. It is now a ruin—a stuttering echo of its former glory. The elves left behind many traps to dissuade treasure hunters, the most important of which is magic that twists time. The shifting currents of time change ages abruptly, putting paid to the adage “age is just a number.”

Ruins of Thorn     Level 23

Dynamic Terrain     XP 5,100

Constant Penalty: –5 to Arcana checks

Stage 5: If a player rolls 1–4 on an attack roll, roll a d12 and consult the Warped Time table for the outcome.

Stage 4: As Stage 5, but replace d12 with d10.

Stage 3 (initial): As Stage 5, but replace d12 with d8.

Stage 2: As Stage 5, but replace d12 with d6.

Stage 1: As Stage 5, but replace d12 with d4.

Stage 0: The PCs have the time distortions under control.

Success/Failure Criteria

After each completed combat encounter in the ruins, each PC may make an Arcana check (DC 32).

Success: More than half of the PCs that attempt the check succeed.

Failure: More than half of the PCs that attempt the check fail.

Table: Warped Time

Roll The PC…
1 …becomes one day younger, regaining an expended daily power.
2–3 …becomes 5 minutes younger, regaining an expended encounter power.
4–5 …suffers no aging effects.
6–7 …ages 3 months and is slowed (save ends).
8–9 …ages 6 months and is immobilized (save ends).
10–11 …ages 1 year and is dazed (save ends).
12 …ages 5 years and is stunned (save ends).

2 thoughts on “Legendary Locations of Midgard: Dynamic Environments (Part 2)”

  1. Very interesting ideas. I want to try something like this for my Pathfinder game. The t-port shift is cool and would really make for some fun. And the idea that the party over time can adjust to it really feels just right. Thanks

  2. Thanks. It is easy to be inspired by the Midgard setting. I have never played Pathfinder so I do not know how easily this would translate over to that system. Let me know how it goes!

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