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Kobolds Are Coming to PaizoCon

Kobolds Are Coming to PaizoCon

PaizoCon LogoAttention, Bellevue: brace yourself for a kobold invasion. The kobold swarms are storming the place on June 9, 10, and 11!

Open Design will be at PaizoCon 2011 with a booth laden with wondrous items. We’ll also run five games in the Midgard setting, and you will find panels featuring Wolfgang Baur, Jeff Grubb, Brandon Hodge, and others. Full details after the jump.

Seminars and Panels to Amaze
Take a look at the panels we’ll be holding (and yes, we hope to provide pictures and summations of some of these online).

Building a Shared World: Midgard
Learn some tips and tricks to improve your own setting, plus gain an overview of Open Design’s style of collaborative design. We’ll generate a monster or mini-adventure as part of the panel. Led by Jeff Grubb, Wolfgang Baur, and Brandon Hodge, the lead designers for the setting. (Read a summary of this panel.)

Secrets of a Small Publisher
Wolfgang Baur and Stan! discuss the surprises, tips, horrors, and delights of founding Open Design and Super Genius Games. (Read a summary of this panel.)

Publishing in Kobold Quarterly
Learn how to submit a winning query, how to rise to the top of the slush pile, and how to keep yourself in front of 30,000 readers every issue. Plus you can gain the secrets of how to keep a freelance career going after your first publication. Baur, Bodan, and Gable will take pitches from the audience and generally make their pet peeves known. Consulting editor Grubb will adjourn to the bar to scout new talent from a distance. (Read a summary of this panel.)

Improvisation & Game Mastering
Haven’t prepped your game this week? Willing to just completely wing it? Improvisational games can be a lot of fun, but they require at least a couple of ingredients to work well. Panelists Adam Roy, Jeff Grubb, and Wolfgang Baur provide some techniques to make your game soar and shine rather than crash and burn. (Read a summary of this panel.)

Designing Better Feats and Traits
What makes a feat good or bad? How do you create something fun, worthwhile, and balanced? Panelists Sigfried Trent and Wolfgang Baur will create a feat or three with the audience. (Read a summary of this panel.)

Open Design regulars Adam Roy, Sigfried Trent, and Jim Groves will also be running adventures in the Midgard campaign setting (and Pathfinder Society PCs are welcome!). Those slots are, sadly, already spoken for.

Finally, the new and gloriously improved Kobold Co-Prosperity Sphere will be assembled in its full glory in the Dealer’s Room, with a special Convention-Only Release guarded by large but ferocious dire weasels. Yes, the kobolds have new shiny things, and they will bring them to the show!

So, who’s coming to PaizoCon 2011? Speak up and be heard!

10 thoughts on “Kobolds Are Coming to PaizoCon”

  1. Is there any chance that any of the panels will be recorded with intent for them to be on the internet? I’m rather interested in them, but with my current commitments (and finances), there was no way I could physically attend.

  2. I will most certainly be there Thursday evening thru Sunday. Looking forward to it, and to meeting as many squamous scribes as I can!

  3. Christina Stiles

    Yes, I hope some are recorded. I would love to watch some of those.

    Who is running Beyond the Ghostlight Reef?

  4. @ Christina – I think Jim Groves ran Ghostlight, check with him on the Patron boards, or see the game recaps in the KQ blog.

  5. @ Alex P. – Doug from Neoncon brought his massive talent and giant soundboards and tripods to the show and recorded every panel! check out Neoncon’s premium channel on YouTube in about a week for every reveal and every great idea on every panel!


    You will be able to luminaries and giants of the industry (and glowing giants?) like Wolfgang, Sean Reynolds, Jeff Grubb, Wes Schneider and others discussing how to make your games more fun and balanced, what’s going on with Paizo, Pathfinder, KQ, Midgard and the industry in general. Not to mention all the tales told out of school: Did Slade Henson really set his Trans Am on fire in the TSR parking lot? Did Lisa Stevens really start WOTC and Paizo in a commune almost thirty years ago? Watch the panels and find out!

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