Congratulations go to the five finalists (and their creators) of the King of the Monsters 3 contest. And now, these five monsters are awaiting their fate. Which one will earn its creator the title King of the Monsters? You have the power to help decide this! Go forth and vote on your favorite monster! We’ll announce the winner on June 11, 2012, so watch this site for an update!
If you haven’t yet read all five of the entries, though, please do wander by these creatures and take a really close look at them. (Well, maybe not that closely.) Here they are:
Brambletroll by Nicolas Quimby
Karguth by John Pope
Necrocorn by Jobe Bittman
Soul Friend by Jim Groves
Spymoth by Denver Edwards
Many thanks go to those who submitted their creations to us for this contest, plus we thank the judges Adam Roy, Sigfried Trent, and Ben McFarland. (I think they’re all still intact after this process!)
Linky no worky for me. :(
It should be working now! Sorry for the confusion!
Nor I!
I wanna vote now! (Before my absent-mind forgets.)
Link works for me, but when I get there it says survey “currently closed”?!?!?
I’d like to vote too!
Voted! The three judges did, in fact, survive…with only surface wounds after vigorous “debate”….. : )
Yay.. voting done.