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Help Christina Stiles Go To Gen Con!

Help Christina Stiles Go To Gen Con!

Christina StilesAs a community we have created monsters, conjured whole cities and dungeons, raised mountains and sunk empires. Surely we can transport a single kobold from South Carolina to Indianapolis?

Christina Stiles, lead designer on Journeys to the West and co-lead on Midgard Tales, has beenĀ invited to GenCon as an Industry Insider Guest. This will be her first Gen Con ever — but only if she can make it. Her household’s been hit with some financial setbacks, and she could use a helping hand.

If you’re able, Christina would be very grateful if you could get her to Gen Con: donate $5 or more via PayPal to [email protected]. (It’s a bit late to organize a Kickstarter or IndieGoGo campaign, so she’s doing this old school.)

If you’re going to Gen Con, present proof ofĀ donationĀ to Kobold PR Minion Wade Rockett and as a reward he will give you a hug, or sing you a song from the Kobold Songbook. Your choice.

16 thoughts on “Help Christina Stiles Go To Gen Con!”

  1. Is there any way to donate without setting up a PayPal account? Been there, done that, ain’t gonna do it again. If need be just send a request for payment to my email…I think I can then pay it via credit card without an account.

    Good luck and enjoy the show!

  2. Morgan Boehringer

    Christina – I actually still don’t know how to do this – do I just go to paypal and pay to a ????
    (Sorry, I’m not that au fait with paypal…. – apart from buying OD pdfs!!!)

  3. Christina Stiles

    Morgan, if you have a paypal account, you go to Send Money and put in my [email protected] email account in the To field. Then you input the amount you want to send. Send it personal as a gift.

    Ping me if you have further questions.

  4. Christina Stiles

    Jarrod, a local gaming convention group called SCARAB (http://www.s-c-a-r-a-b.com/)
    just finalized my trip to GenCon after my post above! My room is now covered–which was my greatest expense. I may have to beg for table scraps, but I have a room!

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