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Gen Con Report: Good Shoes are So Important

Gen Con Report: Good Shoes are So Important

Come see the kobolds!(Photo by Wolfgang Baur)

Most gamers get a remarkable amount of exercise at Gen Con Indy, walking along the halls, stairs, True Dungeon, and over the skyways to the various hotels. Imagine, then, the typical Kobold Purveyor of fine adventures, design projects, and magazines who stands and chats and meets old friends and makes new ones for 9 hours or so.

So yes, my feet are killing me, and I don’t care. It was a complete blast to see everyone today. We met the winner and runner-up in the My First Gen Con essay contest, great folks both. I talked about the Mark of Nerath, Bill Slavicsek’s new D&D novel, with the author himself. Paizonians Wesley Schneider and James Jacobs took a look at the magazine with a professional eye (verdict: thumbs up!).

Bruce Cordell and I shared our GM tips  in a very-well-attended Story and Adventure Design panel, and the audience asked some sharp questions about plot, story, how they differ, problem players and so on. I learned a few tricks and shared some of my favorites ways to sharpen a game’s story points while not driving away tactical gamers…

And yes, people snatched up Kobold Quarterly #14, the new Kobold Guide, neither of which will last until Sunday at this rate. Also popular: the collector print copies of KQ#1 and #2, and the small convention-special patches. Nice patches, frankly, with the “Small But Fierce” logo.

The Frozen Empires and Lost Cities projects both picked up major patron interest, and lead designer Ben McFarland talked up Streets of Zobeck. All three projects are attracting attention from RPG bloggers and designers.

All told, it was a great gamer gathering. Heck, one fine freelancer invited us all to roll some dice. Alas, booth hours prevented that, but the offer was so appreciated. Maybe at a smaller show.

What else? We gave away a lot of Q-Workshop Cthulhu, Pathfinder, and Steampunk dice, we sang some kobolds songs, and we held two dire weasel feedings with no fatalities. Given how hungry the weasels were, we’re calling that a big win for Day 1 at the show.

6 thoughts on “Gen Con Report: Good Shoes are So Important”

  1. And congrats to Scott Gable webmaster and Wolfgang Baur for winning the Gold ENnie — Best Blog. Well deserved!

  2. For crafty little trap-making kobolds, Scott and Wolfgang are quality folk. Congrats on winning the Gold metal for best blog. Your hard work paid off! Well done!

  3. Personally, I didn’t think kobolds wore shoes. Sure, they might steal them off your feet but that’s only because they’re ornery. ;)

    Congrats on the award, well deserved!

  4. You guys rock! Hands down my favorite booth in all of GenCon. Could be the dice I won- nah! Your booth had a great attitude- I love my Kobold T-shirt!
    Congrats on the award!!! :-)

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